What is Artificial Intelligence?
The recent surge in popularity of generative AI such as Gemini and ChatGPT has brought these tools to the forefront of educational discussions. However, it's important to understand that these programs represent a specific type of AI, not the entirety of the field. Generative AI focuses on creating human-like text, code, or other creative content. The broader field of AI encompasses a much wider range of technologies and approaches, all aimed at building intelligent systems capable of replicating human tasks.
"The term ‘artificial intelligence’ means a machine-based system that can, for a given set of human-defined objectives, make predictions, recommendations or decisions influencing real or virtual environments." ~ NATIONAL ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ACT OF 2020
Different Types of Artificial Intelligence
Our daily lives are increasingly intertwined with Artificial Intelligence (AI), which comes in both standalone and integrated features.
Standalone AI programs are like specialized tools in a toolbox. They excel at specific tasks, like writing different creative text formats or creating fantastic images. These programs are independent and don't require other software to function.
Integrated AI Features on the other hand, are like multi-tools. They're built into existing software programs, seamlessly combining functionalities. This creates a smoother workflow where data can flow freely between different functions within the same program.
Essentially, AI, in all its forms, allows machines to learn, adapt, and perform tasks like humans, often more quickly and accurately. It's a rapidly evolving technology that's already a part of our everyday lives.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Guidance
The Hawaii Department of Education is committed to fostering ethical and responsible AI use in education. We will continue collaborating with employees, policymakers, and technology developers to ensure AI empowers all employees and students to strengthen our educational system.
For Employees
Navigating the evolving landscape of AI in education requires a balanced approach. While its potential to enhance learning is undeniable, ethical considerations and responsible use are paramount. This document provides employees with a framework to harness AI's power while mitigating potential risks. Together, we can foster an inclusive and equitable learning environment where technology empowers all students to thrive.
HIDOE AI Guidance for Employees (https://bit.ly/hidoe-ai-guidance)
For Students
Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing how we learn and create. AI tools can be powerful resources for students, offering new ways to explore ideas, conduct research, and express creativity. Students may use digital programs, including AI tools, as learning resources, if they have a signed Technology Responsible Use Form (TRUF) and the program has been approved by the school. These guidelines are designed to help you use AI responsibly and ethically in your education.
HIDOE AI Guidance for Students (https://bit.ly/hidoe-ai-students)
HIDOE Guidelines Related to AI
Acceptable Use Guidelines
These guidelines are intended to protect the Department’s information, assets, users, and information technology resources in compliance with federal regulations, state laws, and Board of Education policies.
6.10. Users shall comply with all federal regulations, state laws, board of education policies, administrative regulations, and school standards and rules in using technological resources.
6.15. Users shall ensure any data provided or transmitted to vendors, agencies, non‑Department entities, etc. complies with all federal regulations, state laws, and board policies related to information and data privacy.
Technology Responsible Use Guidelines (https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/DOE%20Forms/FRL/TRUG.pdf)
Guiding students in their use of technology as a tool to support their achievement and encourages their use of HIDOE-owned or leased digital devices, networks, and internet services for educational programs within the framework of its responsible use guidelines.
8) Unauthorized Uses of the Internet or HIDOE Digital Device
B) Copyright laws and plagiarism
i) Students will not plagiarize or download unauthorized copyrighted or licensed material. HIDOE is not responsible or liable for materials in violation of copyright laws. Users are responsible for the content of their postings and obtaining all necessary permissions or licenses for any material used.