Key resources
About the EES
To help students succeed in college and careers, it is imperative that the Hawaii State Department of Education (HIDOE) support our educators to become highly effective in their schools and classrooms. This means that administrators and teachers need feedback, coaching and data that inform them about how to improve their practice and make an impact. We are holding ourselves accountable at all levels of the organization for providing support and getting results for students.
In accordance with Board of Education Policy 203.4, the EES is centered on two categories –
Teacher Practice and
Student Learning and Growth. Within those categories, teachers receive feedback, support, and evaluation on three components:
Classroom Observations, using the Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching for classroom teachers, or
Working Portfolios for non-classroom teachers;
Core Professionalism, using the Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching, and reflecting on data and feedback from the Panorama Student Survey and Hawaii Growth Model;
Student Success Plans (SSPs)* / School-System Improvement Objectives (SSIO), focusing on standards-aligned learning goals and integrating the data team process to monitor student progress.
Based on their scores in each of these categories, educators receive an overall rating of:
- Highly Effective
- Effective
- Marginal
- Unsatisfactory
All teachers who have an overall rating of Effective or Highly Effective are eligible for pay increases the following year. Questions relating to the teacher contract and pay should be directed to the
Hawaii State Teachers Association. You can also view the Teachers' Salary Schedule posted to the
Working in Hawaii page of this website.
*Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) have been replaced with Student Success Plans (SSPs)
Feedback groups
Since the beginning of the EES pilot in 2011-12 Hawaii educators have had a significant voice in improving their evaluation system. The feedback has come in a variety of forms including survey responses and in-person conversations with teachers, administrators, and union officials. Continuous improvement has been based on feedback received from various stakeholder groups (see below), Complex Area Superintendents and their EES support staff, and the HSTA-HIDOE Joint Survey (see
April 2015 and
April 2014 results).
Teacher Leader Workgroup (TLW): In the initial years of the EES, the Teacher Leader Workgroup met regularly to inform EES design and implementation. It included more than 100 people from all 15 complex areas, and had five subcommittees focused on Non-Classroom Teachers (NCT); Student Success Plans (SSPs)*; Student Growth Percentile (SGP); Classroom Observations/Core Professionalism; and Student Survey.
HSTA-HIDOE Joint Committee: Reviews the EES for continuous improvement of design and implementation. Per the Collective Bargaining Agreement, the HSTA-HIDOE Joint Committee consists of four HSTA and four Department members and provides formal recommendations to the Superintendent.
EES Technical Advisory Group (TAG): The TAG was comprised of national, regional, and local experts and provided recommendations on defining technical considerations to ensure EES fairly assesses the effectiveness of educators. Based on a review of existing HIDOE policies and practices, data, and other state and district policies and practices, the TAG provided recommendations to the Joint Committee on possible EES design modifications.
Principal Roundtable: Twenty-six principals, including all members of the Hawaii Government Employees Association (HGEA) Unit 6 Board of Directors, and 14 additional sitting principals from four major islands, representing a diverse mix of schools and principal experience, are named to the Roundtable and advise the Deputy Superintendent on school policy matters.
*Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) have been replaced with Student Success Plans (SSPs)
Teachers and administrators have access to the following to assist them with the EES process:
EES on the HIDOE Intranet — [GO TO SITE]
Login required.
The Intranet is an internal website for HIDOE staff. It includes a site devoted to the EES that connects users to videos, presentations, reference documents, Frequently Asked Questions and other communications materials. -
eHR for HQ (eHQ) — []
Login required.
eHQ is the web-based system used to document EES evaluation meeting dates, component scores and overall effectiveness ratings. -
EES Help Desk
The EES Help Desk will provide callers with knowledge, awareness, and understanding of the EES components. In addition, the Help Desk documents caller feedback to improve overall EES training and implementation planning.
- Phone Number: 808-586-4072
- Hours of Operation: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
- Days: Monday-Friday, except state holidays and the winter break period