Preventing heat-related illness

During the hottest months of the school year, it's important that all parents and guardians heed these recommendations to help prepare children for warm temperatures.

In Hawaii, heat is uncomfortable particularly in the months of August and September. The Hawaii State Department of Education and Department of Health have worked together to develop detailed guidelines regarding heat. [VIEW]

Here are some recommendations to prepare your child for school to deal with the warm temperatures:

  • Have your child wear light-weight, loose-fitting, cotton clothing;
  • Send your child with a small water bottle on hot days;
  • Make sure your child has a cap with a brim that protects the face for outdoor activities;
  • Talk to your child about the dangers of getting overheated;
  • If your child has physical and/or health needs that may require an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) updated or developed for heat related illness, please contact your School Health Aide. They will refer you to a Public Health Nurse (PHN) assigned to your school. The PHN will assess the student’s health needs, and work with the parent/guardian and physician to update or develop an EAP. The plan will be available to appropriate staff at all times. This may include:
    • Medical conditions such as asthma or other breathing difficulties, history of life-threatening or severe allergic reactions, diabetes, seizure disorders, and technology-dependent or medically fragile conditions.
    • Physical limitations such as auditory impaired, visually impaired, wheel chair bound, walking impairment, or wheel chair bound.

Please direct any questions to your school's Public Health Nurse.

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