Schools that meet the following exemptions can request a letter from the department:
- Schools maintained or classes conducted by employers for their own employees where no fee or tuition is charged;
- Courses of instruction given by a fraternal society, benevolent order, or professional organization to its members and which are not operated for profit;
- Classes conducted for less than five students at one and the same time;
- Classes or courses of instruction which are conducted for twenty or less class sessions during any twelve-month period;
- Avocational, hobby, recreation, or health classes or courses;
- Courses of instruction on religious subjects given under the auspices of a religious organization; and
- Schools registered or authorized by the department of commerce and consumer affairs or by boards and commissions placed in the department of commerce and consumer affairs for administrative purposes.
To request an exemption, please submit:
- Which exemption your school is applying for and any additional information to support this exemption.
- Copy of the Certificate of good standing from Business Registration Division (BREG) of the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA)
- Department of Taxation tax clearance
- Course catalog
Requests can be e-mailed to ptvt@k12.hi.us.