• ............................ Important Alert: Farrington High School campus is closed 12/11 due to active police investigation

Educational Partners

Community resources to support families of a child with a disability receiving special education and related services.

​Family & Community Resources

Family & Community Resources

Educational Partner Meetings

A State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR) Stakeholder Engagement Meeting was co-hosted by the Hawaii State Department of Education and the Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC) on December 9, 2022 to review SY 2021-2022 data for selected SPP/APR indicators. The meeting was organized into small groups where district and state special education staff, parents, advocates, and representatives from state organizations were provided the opportunity to engage in group discussions in sharing information on specific indicators and provide feedback on improvement strategies for implementing the requirements of IDEA and increasing educational results and functional outcomes for our students with disabilities.

Click on the links below for the a PDF of the slides:


Ho‘oha‘aheo newsletter cover

The Department's primary publication featuring successes across our public schools.

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