Presentation to the Legislature on Access Learning


The Department has gathered the following materials to present to the Hawaii State Legislature on progress and early results of the Access Learning pilot, as well as an overview of digital learning efforts across the country to provide a comparison.


"When combined with teacher instruction, these devices give all our students opportunities to use technology to increase their academic achievement. At the same time, our teachers and staff members are using digital devices and applications on the internet to collaborate and share data in a timely and efficient manner. Because this is something really new and complex, we are fortunate and grateful to have complex, district and state support. State specialists have been instrumental in providing us not only technical but instructional assistance which supports our school initiatives. Now our students have the necessary tools to prepare to be productive members in this global society."
— Vice Principal, Nanaikapono Elementary

Initial results

Teachers, technology coordinators, and principals in the Pilot program were surveyed during the first phase of data collection to develop a baseline. Almost 450 teachers were surveyed. Surveys from 161 teachers were returned and analyzed. Eight technology coordinators were surveyed, and all eight responded. Eight principals were surveyed, and all eight responded. In addition 13 site visits were conducted at pilot schools from October to December 2013. During those site visits, 94 teachers were interviewed at 8 schools. A limited number of observations took place at the two schools where students had already received computers (Pahoa Elementary and Keaau Elementary).

Since the 2014 Legislative session, Year 1 of the Access Learning pilot program concluded. View the full Year 1 report.​

Presentation to Legislature: Slideshow

Our PowerPoint walking through the goals and early results of the program.

Overview of 1:1 deployment

Where it's happening in states and districts. Can we get there?

Impact Data on Student Achievement, Teacher Effectiveness

Overview of impacts of 1:1 implementation, with drilled-down data from initiatives in Maine, North Carolina, Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Texas and Virginia.

Contact Information

Stephanie Shipton

Phone: 808-282-0552



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