Future Ready Learning

Teaching and learning is not confined to the four walls of a classroom and the structure of a bell schedule. With the right tools, supports and professional practice, teachers will engage more students in blended learning environments and prepare them for a future of college, career and community readiness.

Computer Science education is crucialMomilani Elementary' Technology Integration Specialist Shane Asselstine on Computer Science education efforts at the Hawaii DOE and schools. It was published in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser on Dec. 6, 2017.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​What is Future Ready Learning?

State and district teams work collaboratively with schools and communities to transform teaching and learning using the power of technology to help drive continuous improvement. We:

  • Assist schools and families with the transition to high-speed access.
  • Empower educators with professional development and support professional learning networks (PLNs).
  • Accelerate progress toward universal student access to quality devices and blended learning opportunities — recognizing that students need the incumbent skills and expanded educational horizons to be college, career and community ready.

HIDOE is an enthusiastic proponent of blended learning — a broad concept in which technology is used to enhance and expand traditionally non-digital teaching and learning. Teachers in our 1-to-1 device pilot (see below) report that students are more motivated in blended learning environments as the technology has increased ways for students to learn, promoted student responsibility, helped them be better organized and improved communication. Notably, teachers have seen better engagement with Special Education and English Language Learner students.

Schools that wish to accelerate blended learning in their classrooms and would like to know more about HIDOE's supports should contact the technology integration team at the Office of Curriculum, Instruction and Student Support.

Schools that have cultivated Future Ready Learning in their classrooms and beyond are well situated to implement Computer Science education

Examples of Future Ready Learning

  • Dispatches from the Hour of Code — "Anyone can do this!"​​
  • Lokelani Intermediate makes math and science relevant for kids with this interactive physical education learning opportunity​ with a San Diego school 2,500 miles away.
  • Students from Kea'au Elementary ​host a Virtual Field Trip to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park for classrooms across the Islands, Mainland U.S. and globe. Lessons meld culture and science.
  • Kalama Intermediate shows the ways they're using devices in learning, from math to music to Hawaiian immersion, in this video roundup​.
  • Students become citizen scientists at National Geographic's BioBlitz.
  • Students and staff at Waiahole Elementary aim for Future Ready fast-track.
  • University Lab School and Keaau High School students teamed to create rich maps of schools​ to help orient new students who were displaced by the Puna lava flow. 

Expansion & Supports

Future Ready learning is crucial for students to be prepared for life after school. But the learning must be meaningful — technology must be integrated with classroom learning in ways that enhances and expands the experience, and isn't a distraction. To measure how to do this successfully, the Department in 2013-14 launched a 1-to-1 device pilot​ (a device for every student) in eight schools with $8.2 million appropriated by the State Legislature. The program had a two-part rollout: (1) professional development and devices for teachers in the fall; (2) student device distribution and related learning in the spring. Year 2 of the pilot (2014-15) consisted of further professional development for school staff and evaluation of results.

Feedback from students, teachers and school leaders in the pilot schools, as well as measured data, inform our deployment of technology integration supports to our schools statewide. 

In 2015-16, based on lessons provided by the pilot, the Department created the Future Ready Pathway for school leadership teams to gain support in developing a school-specific plan for technology integration, and included an additional 38 schools. The Pathway begins with schools administering the Future Ready Gap Assessment. Leadership teams then attend a Leadership Institute, where they have time to review their gap assessment results, begin planning, and collaborate with other schools. The Leadership Institute is followed by six months of facilitated planning support with hangouts on air and plan feedback. When available, direct financial supports are included.

Digital citizenship

Teaching and learning in online environments go beyond academics. Students need to understand the broad-based impacts their behavior in these environments can have. Families are engaged partners in cultivating responsibility. Namely:

  • The digital posts of today can be referenced tomorrow. What you say or do can be captured and last indefinitely.
  • Colleges, employers and the community routinely reference digital profiles. What do you want the world to know about you?
  • Being irresponsible with digital profiles and personal information can lead to identity theft.
  • As with bullying, cyberbullying is punishable under Chapter 19, which governs student misconduct and discipline.   Learn more.
  • Theft of intellectual property for school assignments or other uses is punishable under Chapter 19. Learn more.

Parents and families, in particular, have a crucial role to play in helping their children to become responsible digital citizens, and to train them to be ready for a digital world. This includes understanding social media, cyberbullying, privacy and internet safety, and more. Common Sense Media offers an excellent online education center for parent concerns that all families should review.

Legal notices

  • ONLINE SAFETY: Anyone who uses digital devices and the HIDOE network to access the Intranet must adhere to the Department's Acceptable Use Guidelines — access is a privilege, not a right. The Department's network is monitored via the Captive Portal to assure compliance with these guidelines. The Captive Portal also provides protection against malware and spam, and blocks certain categories of websites from being accessed which could be harmful to children. Learn more.
  • TECHNOLOGY RESPONSIBLE USE GUIDELINES: Students who use HIDOE-issued digital devices (laptops, tablets, etc.), the Department's network and/or Internet services are required to adhere to the Technology Responsible Use Guidelines​; parents and students are required to acknowledge the policy in this agreement form, and turn that in to the school office​. (Translated guidelines and forms can be found here.)

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