NGSS: Curriculum and Instruction

Implementation of Next Generation Science Standards is being guided by input from multiple stakeholders. Here, resources to support curriculum development and instructional shifts.

General resources

Ambitious Science Teaching book
  • NGSS Lesson Screener Tool. Quickly review a lesson to see if it's on the right track, if it warrants further review using science rubrics, and to what extent a group of reviewers have a common understanding of the NGSS.
  • EQuIP Rubric for Lessons & Units. The Educators Evaluating the Quality of Instructional Products (EQuIP) Rubric for science provides criteria by which to measure the degree to which lessons and units are designed for the NGSS.
  • PEEC Rubric. PEEC is an acronym for the Primary Evaluation of Essential Criteria for NGSS Instructional Materials Design.
  • NSTA Vetted Lessons. Resources available in Physical Science, Life Science, Earth & Space Science, and Engineering, Technology & the Application of Science.
  • Phenomenal GRC Lessons. A collection of 3-Dimensional Lessons aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards or any state standards aligned to The Framework for K-12 Science Education.
  • STEM Teaching Tools. Practice Briefs on the topic of Instruction.
  • Science Practices Continuum and Strategies. Supported by the National Science Foundation, consists of the research and development of online materials and mobile application software to support instructional leaders around the science practices in the NGSS.
  • Prompts for Integrating Crosscutting Concepts. To help teachers elicit student understanding of crosscutting concepts in the context of investigating phenomena or solving problems.
  • NGSS Storyline Project. Providing tools that support teachers in developing, adapting, and teaching with strongly aligned NGSS materials in classrooms around the country.
  • Tools for Ambitious Science Teaching. Ambitious teaching deliberately aims to support students of all backgrounds to deeply understand science ideas, participate in the activities of the discipline, and solve authentic problems.

Equity and access


  • Using Phenomena in NGSS. By centering science education on phenomena that students are motivated to explain, the focus of learning shifts from learning about a topic to figuring out why or how something happens.
  • Qualities of a Good Anchor Phenomenon. Instructional sequences are more coherent when students investigate compelling natural phenomena (in science) or work on meaningful design problems (in engineering) by engaging in the science and engineering practices.
  • Phenomena for NGSS. Website by educator TJ McKenna and a lead facilitator for the NGSX project.
  • Using Phenomena Rubric. Teaching Channel resource. Begin conversations about how phenomena can support student engagement.
  • Project Phenomena Database. Phenomena do not have to be phenomenal. Often simple events, when looking at them through a scientific eye, can elicit curiosity and questions in students and adults.




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