Performance Assessment Development Initiative (PADI)

HIDOE Educators: Are you interested in learning how to design performance assessments to use in your classroom? If you are a Grade 3-12 ELA, Mathematics, or Science teacher, please join us and be a part of the Performance Assessment Development Initiative. Learn how to develop high-quality, curriculum-embedded and authentic performance assessments for classroom use.​

Performance Assessment Task Bank & Administration Guidance website:

Benefits of Participation

  • Empowerment of teachers: Teachers have a voice in designing performance assessments that support their work and can be used to inform their instruction.
  • Opportunity for teacher collaboration: Teacher participants are expected to attend two virtual trainings and one in-person training in Honolulu, Hawai’i.
  • Flexible options for Professional Development opportunities: Professional development opportunities in the form of virtual and in-person training sessions will be available in assessment literacy, developing, administering, analyzing, and evaluating performance assessments, universal design principles for accessibility and support and resources for personalized learning in ELA and mathematics, etc. 
  • Financial support for Professional Development: Stipends, travel costs, and funds to hire substitute teachers, if needed, will be covered for teacher participants.
  • Core Professionalism for EES: Professional development (PD) training sessions for the Performance Assessment Development Initiative could be used as evidence of core professionalism for EES evaluations that are required of all classroom teachers. 

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