Strategic Plan update: May 16, 2016


Third in a series of email updates on the DOE/BOE Strategic Plan review and extension process.

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MAY 16, 2016

tumblr blogStudents weigh in on the Strategic Plan
From state student council members to those at risk of dropping out of high school, one area of common ground we hear during our student focus groups is a desire for relevant and hands-on learning opportunities. Students have specifically mentioned career pathways or academies, early college opportunities, and 'aina-based education as meaningful, applied approaches to learning that increase their engagement overall, and help them advance in a range of subjects through a particular passion or interest.

Early exposure in middle school and even elementary school to different careers and pursuits is mentioned by students as critical. "It is easier to make decisions about where you are going if you know what inspires you," shared one student. Similarly, AVID, Running Start, and other early-college programs are mentioned frequently as helping expose youth to new options. As one student put it, "a lot of students who wouldn't normally take college-level classes are taking them know. They have bigger goals and dreams, and now believe they are attainable."

One aspect of identifying updated strategies for the joint DOE/BOE Strategic Plan is looking closely at what can be supported for all students at the statewide level, and what is best determined at the community level. Students have provided great insights to date about both statewide policies and local school-based and community efforts that, together, can make a difference for our youth and their future.

Your input needed!
Please join the community conversation on supporting student success! Here are a couple of great news clips: McKinley High students sharing their perspective on "being able to make a difference" via the online survey and community conversation blog on Hawaii News Now, and a Castle High School senior sharing the importance of youth participation in the review of the DOE/BOE Strategic Plan. Please encourage students, families, educators, and community members in your circles to join the community conversation today using the online survey at the blog link below. The survey is live through May 31, 2016.

Want to host a focus group?
Online kits are available for anyone who wants to have a group discussion about student success and gather input for the Strategic Plan review. Kits are organized around different stakeholder interests: community, educator, parent and student. Visit the Community Conversation section of the Strategic Plan page on the DOE website.

So far, we've conducted more than 80 focus groups virtually and in locations around the islands. Check out our Google map to see where we've been and where we're going.

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Phone: (808) 784-6200


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