Strategic Plan Update: Sept. 26, 2016


One in a series of email updates on the Strategic Plan review and extension process.


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SEPTEMBER 26, 2016

Giving life to student empowerment
The first of four objectives for Goal 1: Student Success in the Strategic Plan draft focuses on student empowerment: All students are empowered by their learning to achieve their aspirations for their future. (View the draft of Goal 1 here.)

We wanted to hear from students about what that means to them. This summer, 109 students who engaged in a design thinking challenge, “Redesigning Schools,” developed prototypes including a student-run store filled with “school merchandise (designed by students) that fund improvements to the school and good causes” and an incentive machine that “motivates students to study, improve their grades, attend class and have a good attitude,” among others. Watch the video.

adult friends for youth
Mahalo to partners Oceanit and Adult Friends for Youth for helping to organize the "Redesigning Schools" challenge.

Next: Input on Goals 2 and 3, complete draft
Thank you to everyone who participated in BOE Community Meetings to give input on Goal 1: Student Success during the past two months. You can view materials and summaries from all Community Meetings here. We are shifting our focus to Goal 2: Staff Success and Goal 3: Successful Systems of Support. Are you passionate about these areas in public education? Please take this survey and provide your insight on draft objectives and strategies for Goals 2 and Goal 3 that were presented to the Board of Education on September 20. The survey will be open through Friday, September 30.

A complete draft of the Strategic Plan will be presented to the BOE on October 18, and will be available for public review and comment through October 31. The updated Strategic Plan, with input from across the Islands given throughout the year, will be delivered on December 4. 

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