2030 Promise Plan Progress

Mahalo for your interest in the 2030 Promise Plan, which will guide Hawai‘i's public school system from 2020 to 2030. **NOTE: The 2030 Promise Plan, developed under former HIDOE Superintendent Christina Kishimoto, was never formally implemented or approved by the Board of Education.**


On April 18 at the Board of Education's General Business Meeting, Supt. Christina M. Kishimoto identified promises to our students to be achieved in every public school by 2030, organized around five themes:


Students will be educated within a public school system that is grounded in , powers a multilingual society, and honors Hawai‘i’s local and global contribution.

— MARKERS: Nā Hopena A‘o; languages; culture; context; place-based; safety & total well-being


Students will experience strong relationships and supports that mitigate disempowering differences to enable them to thrive academically, socially, and civically.

MARKERS: Access; personalization; community; closing achievement gaps; quality


Students will be immersed in excellent learning environments that are thoughtfully designed around a community’s power to contribute to a thriving, sustainable Hawai‘i. Learn more.

MARKERS: Core values; curriculum; infrastructure; magnets; college & career; partners


Students will develop their authentic voice as contributors to equity, excellence and innovation, by providing input on what they learn, how they learn, and where they learn.

MARKERS: Engagement; civic & policy voice; educational leadership; discovery; choice


Students will engage in rigorous, technology-rich, problem-solving learning that enables them to solve authentic community challenges and develop pathways to goals.

MARKERS: Applied learning; design thinking; project-based learning; creativity

These are not new ideas: They draw from extensive community outreach during our last phase of strategic planning, our policy, and our work implementing the 2017-2020 Strategic Plan. The goal with our next 10 years is to identify, What will make these promises a reality for every student in every school by 2030? What does that look like, and how do we get there? 

2030 Promise Plan, first draftPLAN PHASES

Phase I feedback from the community (click to view news releasewas collected through August 1, and included:

  • 83 stakeholder groups registered and
  • 2,782 participants.

Phase II feedback (click to view news release) on a draft of the plan closed on Sept. 20, 2019. There were 314 respondents to the online survey who provided guidance on our action opportunities identified during Phase I. View results.

  • You can still take our "Stake in the Ground" survey, launched during Phase II, to identify how you would like to help public schools with this work.

Phase III feedback closed on Dec. 2, 2019.

  • You can review the Indicators document at bit.ly/2030-Indicators. This document also includes the top action opportunities selected by the community during Phase II feedback.

When approved by the Board of Education in early 2020, the 2030 Promise Plan will guide our policies, procedures, operations, planning and other activities to ensure we’re on track to deliver on our promises.

Power & Promise of Public Education

On Sept. 5, 2019, Supt. Kishimoto gave her annual address on the State of the Schools with a focus on Ideas That Transform and a discussion of the 2030 Promise Plan and action opportunities. View:

ʻŌlelo series

The Hawaiʻi DOE and ʻŌlelo Community Media have teamed up on a series of programs that explore how these promises are being lived out at schools today. After they air on ʻŌlelo, they will be posted to our video channel.


WINTER 2019 

Vision Statement: Equity, Excellence & Innovation. Supt. Christina M. Kishimoto initiated the conversation around the next phase of strategic planning with this document, and followed it up with a column on the Power to Change Hawai‘i for the Better.

SPRING 2019 

Five promises announced at April 18 Board of Education meeting. Forward-focused (Phase I) feedback to be gathered through August 1 to inform an initial draft of the plan.

SUMMER 2019 

Draft plan released Sept. 5. Phase II feedback survey open through Sept. 20. "Stake in the ground” survey also launched to collect community commitments to help schools deliver on promises to students. Discussion phase begins on aligned benchmarks and metrics.

FALL 2019 

Decision phase on the promises, benchmarks and metrics, final draft delivered at end of year. Alignment of school/Complex Area Academic and Financial Plans and HIDOE Office Action Plans in preparation for implementation with 2020-2021 school year.

WINTER 2020 

2030 Promise Plan presented to Board of Education for approval.

Community toolkit

Community feedback was gathered from May 6 to August 1, 2019. Registered groups were supported with the following materials to host their own sessions. (Click here to download all resources in a .zip file.)

Step 1 for feedback session

Review the resources below to help ground your work and maintain a forward-focused approach centered on promise delivery. We’ve built a video playlist of some of the innovations under way at schools now to provide some context for the learning environments you may want to see in your own community; more can be found on our Bright Spots map. Share these prior to your session if you think they will be helpful. Review the facilitator guide and script in advance to familiarize yourself. 


Step 2 for feedback session

Now that you’ve determined a date, time and location for your session, let everyone know! Here are some resources to get you started. 


Step 3 for feedback session

Great job: You've spread the word and you have stakeholders coming to your session. Everything you need to host an engaging meeting can be found here, from sign-in sheets to printable posters. In addition to the facilitator's guide, presentation & script, above, here are:


Step 4 for feedback session

Congratulations! Thanks again for providing your insight. Your registered group will be given unique access to an input form accessible from any mobile or desktop device. We’d love to see you doing your work! Take a photo and post to the input form, or share to social media with #HI4PublicEd.

Feedback session media

View our gallery of feedback sessions on Flickr. Engage with our educators and stakeholders at #HI4PublicEd.


  • ʻŌlelo Community Media series on the 2030 Promise Plan kicks off.
  • Civil Beat: DOE leadership starting work on new 10-year strategic plan.
  • Supt. Kishimoto visits Hawaii News Now Sunrise to talk about the 2030 Promise Plan and other work happening over the summer.
  • Hawaii News Now: Parents asked to share ideas on public education for the next 10 years.
  • Honolulu Star Advertiser: Report card coming up for Hawaii's public schools official.
  • Island Focus on ʻŌlelo Community Media with Lyla Berg.
  • "School bells ring, but why?" by Bobby Widhalm, state office teacher [VIEW]
  • News release, Community invited to provide input on Hawai'i DOE's next 10 years [VIEW]

HIDOE Leadership Meeting

Email the team

Questions about the 2030 Promise Plan? Email the Policy, Innovation, Planning & Evaluation team (PIPE).


Ho‘oha‘aheo newsletter cover

The Department's primary publication featuring successes across our public schools.

View all Ho‘oha‘aheo Newsletters