Strategic Plan Dynamic Report: Achievement Gap

Data about the K-12 public school system in Hawai‘i aligned with the 2017-2020 Strategic Plan, Goal 1: Student Success. Information presented annually to the Board of Education to track progress to state-level targets and to review what is and isn't working. It is a public resource so all stakeholders may easily view how the public school system is doing across a range of key performance indicators. Here, achievement gap data.


Click the goals at right for performance metrics for each aligned with the 2017-2020 Strategic Plan.

Below, select an indicator to access data sets, starting with state-level baseline data for 2016-17, more recent performance in subsequent school years, and targets for 2020 as set forth in the Strategic PlanYou can then select Complex Areas and student subgroup categories to do a deeper dive on the data.

For business rules associated with these data sets, please refer to the Strive HI Technical Guide.

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Chronic Absenteeism

School Climate

Inclusion Rate

3rd Grade Literacy

9th Grade On-Track

Academic Achievement

Achievement Gap

High School Graduation

CTE Concentrators

College-Going Graduates

Goal 1


Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3

Achievement Gap: Difference in meeting achievement standard between high-needs students and non-high-needs students. High-needs students are:

Rationale: We are guided by the Strategic Plan's Goal 1, Objective 3a: "Provide students of all backgrounds, ages, and needs with a challenging and quality standards-based education in all subject areas." It is understood that students in these three categories in particular learn differently or face learning barriers. We use the statewide assessment in language arts and mathematics as a barometer to track progress toward reducing the gap between high-needs and non-high-needs students. Reducing this gap reflects improved equity in student outcomes.