Strategic Plan Dynamic Report: Goal 2

Data about the K-12 public school system in Hawai‘i aligned with the 2017-2020 Strategic Plan, Goal 2: Staff Success. This information is presented annually to the Board of Education to track progress to state-level targets and to review what is and isn't working. It is a public resource so all stakeholders may easily view how the public school system is doing across a range of key performance indicators.


Click the goals at right for performance metrics for each aligned with the 2017-2020 Strategic Plan.

Below, select an indicator to access data sets, starting with state-level baseline data for 2016-17, more recent performance in subsequent school years, and targets for 2020 as set forth in the Strategic PlanYou can then select Complex Areas to do a deeper dive on the data.

For business rules associated with these data sets, please refer to the Goal 2 Technical Details guide.

Click to return to the report home.

Teacher Positions Filled

Teacher Retention

Goal 2


Goal 1Goal 2Goal 3