Strategic Plan Dynamic Report

Data about the K-12 public school system in Hawai‘i aligned with the 2017-2020 Strategic Plan. This information is presented annually to the Board of Education to track progress to state-level targets and to review what is and isn't working. It is a public resource so all stakeholders may easily view how the public school system is doing across a range of key performance indicators.

View the data

Click the goals at right for performance metrics for each goal aligned with the 2017-2020 Strategic Plan. Then select the indicator for a deeper dive on the data. Where available, you can select Complex Area and student subgroup data. Provided are baseline data from 2016-17 that can be compared with more recent school years' data, with targets for 2020 at the state level set forth in the Strategic Plan. View:

  • Goal 1: Student Success [VIEW]
  • Goal 2: Staff Success [VIEW]
  • Goal 3: Successful Systems of Support [VIEW]

Read the Strategic Plan.

Statewide indicators for equity & excellence

From the Strategic Plan: To measure progress on the Strategic Plan, the BOE and DOE commit to regular reporting on key statewide success indicators and ensure students achieve the BOE’s Vision of a Hawai‘i Public School Graduate (Policy 102-15). We strive to increase our graduation rate to 90 percent by 2025. We also strive to ensure that the high school diploma is meaningful and represents career, college, and community readiness as embodied by academic standards and General Learner Outcomes, and to contribute to our state’s “55 by ‘25” goal of more working age adults having a 2- or 4-year college degree.

Data on statewide indicators will be reported regularly to the BOE and the public on a “dashboard” to monitor progress toward equity and excellence. Information for each indicator on Status, Progress, and Equity will be reported at least annually. The data will be analyzed and reported for different groups of students and schools to ensure equity in outcomes and so we can direct our efforts and resources effectively.

Statewide indicators represent the overall health of public education, focusing on those which have greatest impact on student success, as well as state and federal requirements. They do not comprehensively represent diverse measures of success valued by our state’s nearly 300 schools. Schools can address their unique approach to indicators through their Academic and Financial Plans and charter school contracts.

Web browsers

The data visualizations in the Strategic Plan Dynamic Report are built using Tableau and hosted on the Tableau Public website, and embedded here. They are accessible by HTML5-supported browsers including:

  • Chrome on Windows, Mac, and Android 4.4 or later
  • Apple Safari on Mac and iOS 8.x or later
  • Internet Explorer 11 or newer
  • Mozilla Firefox 3.x or later on Windows and Mac

Goals 1, 2 and 3
Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3