On Oct. 12, 2022, the Department released Strive HI Performance System results for School Year 2021-22, the tenth year under the state-designed school improvement and accountability system and requirements of federal law.
The data — reflecting the first full school year of in-person learning following the pandemic — show gains in academic performance across core subject areas and improvements in student success indicators.
American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER III) Funds were provided to the Department in 2021 to support the safe reopening of schools and to mitigate student learning loss. Through the support of these federal funds, all HIDOE schools — with guidance and support from their complex area — have been able to implement and develop specific programs and interventions to support the specific needs of their students who were impacted by the pandemic.
Key year-over-year 2021-22 Strive HI results
- Statewide academic proficiency in English language arts, math and science increased.
- Third-grade literacy (reading near/at or above grade level), which has been steadily increasing since 2015, saw an increase of 4 points to 80%.
- Ninth-grade on time promotions increased by four points to 89%.
- Career and Technical Education (CTE) program completion increased by three points to 64%.
- On-time graduation rate was maintained at 86%.
- College-going rate continued to be impacted by the pandemic at 50%.
In line with national trends, chronic absenteeism rates — especially in elementary school students — saw a substantial increase to 37% from 18% the year prior, mainly as a result of COVID-19 quarantine and isolation requirements for students. Statewide bus driver shortages and the U.S. Navy emergency fuel storage leak situations were also contributing factors to the increase in absenteeism.
Despite the student absenteeism rate, the Department saw academic proficiency gains across all student subgroups, including but not limited to, English learners, students receiving special education services and economically disadvantaged students.
This is the first school year since 2018-19 that data has not been impacted by pandemic-related accountability and assessment waivers. For the 2021-22 school year, the U.S. Department of Education offered states a waiver from some accountability requirements including the 95% participation rate requirement, in anticipation of lower-than-normal participation rates. For the 2019-20 school year, U.S. DOE offered states the option to waive required statewide assessments, and no statewide tests were administered.
2021-22 Reports
- The Statewide Snapshot: A four-page summary of statewide student and school performance on metrics across grade spans as well as those that are specific to elementary, middle and high schools.
- The Strive HI Master Data File: Spreadsheet with comprehensive data across all measures for each school (some data are suppressed to protect student privacy at schools with small populations).
- The Strive HI Technical Guide (Revised 10/31/22): provides detail on how the measures are calculated.
- School Performance Reports: Each school's report provides a snapshot of key indicators. You can use the Report Finder to search for reports by school and school year, or:
- Public Schools: Use the School Finder tool to find the school page you're looking for. Each school page has a link to its performance report. (To better understand how to read these reports, please view this sample annotated report.) For a small number of schools, details from these reports are not publicly available because of the small student population; data are suppressed to protect student privacy.
- Charter Schools: Reports are available on the Charter Schools' page.