College & Career Readiness
CCRI Hawaii P-20 produces the annual College & Career Readiness Indicators (CCRI) report that examines how our high schools are doing with graduation rates, proficiency, college attendance, and remediation. Five-year trend data for the Class of 2017 (report released
March 2018) show: - The percentage of students enrolled in
Dual Credit has nearly tripled and the percentage taking six or more credits has doubled.
- An 8-point increase in the number of students taking the Advanced Placement exam;
- An 11-point jump in students finishing a Career & Technical Education program of study (tracked since the Class of 2014).
- PROFILE: MAUI HIGH: A strong commitment to Career and Technical Education and a robust partnership with UH-Maui College is expanding student horizons; more students are earning honors diplomas, finishing a CTE Program of Study, and enrolling in college courses while in high school.
NAEP The National Assessment for Educational Progress (NAEP) is the only common test of 4th and 8th graders in every state; it's known as the Nation's Report Card. In this biannual assessment of reading and mathematics,
Hawai'i's 2017 results showed:
Reading 4th grade: +3 points
Reading 8th grade: +4 points
Math, 4th grade: flat
Math, 8th grade: -3 points
More results: -
2013: Hawaii’s fourth-graders surpassed the national average in math.
2015: Hawaii's 10-year trajectory of improvement is cited as evidence of the state's reform success.
Expectation of College:
LEARN MORE » | National recognitionPivoting a large education system such as Hawaii's into a continuous cycle of improvement depends on many factors, including leadership and relationships. These were cited as reasons for the impressive growth track of Hawaii in the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation's report, "Laggards to Leaders: How Three States Found Their Way Forward," released December 2015. In 2017, Hawaii earned the national
Newman Award for State Innovation for its efforts to pivot its accountability system toward college & career readiness, implementing a statewide longitudinal data system, and investing in data literacy.
Praise from our monitors- In what was the first visit by a U.S. Secretary of Education to Hawaii in nearly 20 years,
Secretary Arne Duncan toured two schools and touted Hawaii’s progress. “The only way you get better is to challenge the status quo. The only way to accelerate the rate of change is to do something different. The progress has been extraordinary. Hawaii, by any objective measure, is one of the fastest improving states in the nation.”
- The latest
USDOE monitoring report confirms Hawaii has made significant progress as a result of its systemic reforms. The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Flexibility Monitoring Report included USDOE's highest rating across all measurements.
- At its March 17, 2015 meeting, the Board of Education issued a
resolution recognizing the employees of the Department and the support of stakeholders in achieving the positive results of the ESEA Monitoring Report.