
An archive of Inspire eNewsletter. Inspiring stories from our schools, districts and offices, profiling the students, staff and leaders who are building success and strong school communities, and the community members and organizations that help them do it. Get this eNewsletter delivered to your inbox by hitting "Subscribe" in the footer below.



May 2019 Inspire 2019 InspireInspirational stories from Hawai'i's public schools. In this edition: Help us plan for the next decade, Kohala High dedicates a new STEM facility, celebrating the class of 2019, National Merit Scholarship winners, more stories.string;#31-May-20192019-05-31T10:00:00.0000000Z
March 2019 Inspire 2019 InspireInspirational stories from Hawai'i's public schools. In this edition: A 19,300 square-foot girls athletics facility opens at Kalani High, special education teacher Bella Finau-Faumuina named a Milken Educator of Promise, watch how the arts ignite learning in our special video series on the Artists in the Schools program, more stories.string;#18-Mar-20192019-03-18T10:00:00.0000000Z
January 2019 Inspire 2019 InspireInspirational stories from Hawai'i's public schools. In this edition: Celebrating Hawai'i's teachers who achieved or renewed National Board Certification, caring for students the Barbers Point Elementary way, staff spring to action during a busy hurricane season, and the Hawai'i DOE Year in Review.string;#24-Jan-20192019-01-24T10:00:00.0000000Z
November 2018 Inspire 2018 InspireInspirational stories from Hawai'i's public schools. In this edition: Mathieu Williams is named the 2019 Hawaii State Teacher of the Year, students report fewer incidents of bullying in statewide survey, significant year-over-year gains are seen in the Advanced Placement exam, more stories.string;#20-Nov-20182018-11-20T10:00:00.0000000Z
September 2018 Inspire 2018 InspireInspirational stories from Hawai'i's public schools. In this edition: 9th graders at Wai'anae High excel on "The R.I.D.E.," school-based health center dedicated at Nanakuli High & Intermediate, the HIDOE Team and Employee of the Year are named, new classroom building breaks ground at Waikoloa Elementary & Middle School, more stories.string;#21-Sep-20182018-09-21T10:00:00.0000000Z
July 2018 Inspire 2018 InspireInspirational stories from Hawai'i's public schools. In this edition: Hawai'i students team with South Koreans to win e-ICON challenge, students contribute to Rutgers University's plant DNA research, Wilcox Elementary students explain the value of STEM in their learning experience, more stories.string;#16-Jul-20182018-07-16T10:00:00.0000000Z
May 2018 Inspire 2018 InspireInspirational stories from Hawai'i's public schools. In this edition: Maui High boosts college and career readiness, East Kapolei Middle School breaks ground, teachers drive improvement via an innovative collaboration model, more stories.string;#14-May-20182018-05-14T10:00:00.0000000Z
February 2018 Inspire 2018 InspireInspirational stories from Hawai'i's public schools. In this edition: King Kekaulike High goes all-in with interventions and co-teaching with promising results for student outcomes, Mililani High selected as next Farm to School site, more Hawai'i teachers earn National Board Certification, and many more stories.string;#12-Feb-20182018-02-12T10:00:00.0000000Z
November 2017 Inspire 2017 InspireInspirational stories from public schools. In this edition: Pauoa Elementary is slashing its achievement gap while still hitting high achievement marks, students take a virtual field trip with Army Nature team, Ewa Makai Middle's Vanessa Ching named 2018 Hawaii State Teacher of the Year, principals who lead their alma maters, more stories.string;#22-Nov-20172017-11-22T10:00:00.0000000Z
September 2017 Inspire 2017 InspireInspirational stories from public schools. In this edition: The Department names its employee and team of the year, principals and teachers weigh in on the importance of school leaders, JVEF celebrates education and military partnerships, Hawaii Pacific University launches virtual classroom for Honoka'a High students, and looking at the impact of School Every Day.string;#15-Sep-20172017-09-15T10:00:00.0000000Z
July 2017 Inspire 2017 InspireInspirational stories from public schools. In this edition: Energy efficient strategies to cool schools advance, Solomon El breaks ground on major facilities renovations, IT initiative to address growing tech needs at schools, transition centers initiative named for the late Rep. Mark Takai, national innovation award celebrated, Roosevelt High's Gregg Abe inducted into Bandworld Legion of Honor.string;#25-Jul-20172017-07-25T10:00:00.0000000Z
May 2017 Inspire 2017 InspireInspirational stories from public schools. In this edition: Radford High students find pathways to success, new educational partnership with Tahiti announced to perpetuate Malama Honua, three Hawaii public school students named US Presidential Scholar semifinalists, more stories.string;#16-May-20172017-05-16T10:00:00.0000000Z
March 2017 Inspire 2017 InspireInspirational stories from public schools. In this edition: Leilehua JROTC heading to Cyberpatriot nationals, 10 Hawaii public school students medal in national Scholastic Art Awards, district science fairs spotlight students tackling issues, Kawananakoa Middle celebrates auditorium renovation, Farrington High dedicates new stadium and field, Ka'ala El teacher Kaitlyn Huff named Milken Teacher of Promise, more.string;#15-Mar-20172017-03-15T10:00:00.0000000Z
January 2017 Inspire 2017 Inspire Inspirational stories from public schools. In this edition: Jarrett Middle defies conventional wisdom of how a school with a high-needs student population performs, Kalani High students win research time at Maunakea Observatories, Kapunahala El counselor Ramona Kahawaii honored in D.C., encouraging students to join the teaching profession, pathway to college engineering major to be created, more.string;#12-Jan-20172017-01-12T10:00:00.0000000Z
November 2016 Inspire 2016 InspireInspirational stories from public schools. In this edition: The Kapa‘a Way drives a major transformation in student learning and supports, Kaiser High welcomes Hokkaido Schools, Fulbright teacher Johnna Jacobsen of Mililani Mauka encourages teachers to apply for educational ambassadorships, the crucial supports of the New Principal Academy, Farrington students team with the World Surfing League, Wa‘a Talks and more.string;#16-Nov-20162016-11-16T10:00:00.0000000Z
September 2016 Inspire 2016 InspireInspirational stories from public schools. In this edition: Meet the new cohort of peer mentors in McKinley High's Ignition Program who help incoming freshmen feel safe and welcome, Campbell High's AVID program named among the top 1 percent of such programs nationwide, students weigh in on redesigning schools, more.string;#21-Sep-20162016-09-21T10:00:00.0000000Z
July 2016 Inspire 2016 InspireInspirational stories from Hawaii's public schools. In this edition: Aiea High student's senior capstone project is an energy efficiency boon, Supt. Matayoshi shares Malama Honua gifts with Hokulea in New York, first cohort of Maunakea Scholars give thanks to their research mentors, a teacher grows a passion for percussion, and — ICYMI — Class of 2016 celebration posts from around the Islands.string;#22-Jul-20162016-07-22T10:00:00.0000000Z
April 2016 Inspire 2016 InspireStories that inspire from our students, educators and schools. In this edition: Leilehua High's triumph in the Scholastic Art Awards, plus a profile of art department head Larry Taguba, state science fair results, Molokai 6th grader makes a successful pitch to cool schools, Maunakea Scholars begin data gathering at world's leading telescope array, Kailua High opens state-of-the-art Natural Science Lab, more stories.string;#15-Apr-20162016-04-15T10:00:00.0000000Z
February 2016 Inspire 2016 InspireIn this edition: Induction and mentoring program for teachers yielding results, Waipahu High's Michael Sana wins the Milken Educator Award, teaching students how to Malama Honua, reflections of a Kona educator on the 30th anniversary of the Challenger event, McKinley High library named for Sen. Dan Inouye, celebrating Hawaiian Language Month, more stories.string;#12-Feb-20162016-02-12T10:00:00.0000000Z
December 2015 Inspire 2015 InspireIn this edition: More schools and students experience the Hour of Code, Kaimuki High unveils dazzling Malama Honua-inspired mural, the Great ShakeOut preps students on what to do in an earthquake, Prudential Locations Foundation builds legacy project at Kanoelani Elementary, partners and volunteers build green learning environment at Waikele Elementary, profile of KHIS music teacher Jacosa Limutau-Ainuu.string;#21-Dec-20152015-12-21T10:00:00.0000000Z
October 2015 Inspire 2015 InspireIn this edition: Maui schools join the Verizon Innovative Learning Schools program, meet the 2016 Hawaii State Teacher of the Year Stephanie Mew, Kapolei Middle librarian Carolyn Kirio breaking down walls with technology, Mililani High students share love of STEM during fall break with elementary kids, using 3D modeling to spark spatial reasoning in the classroom, more.string;#21-Oct-20152015-10-21T10:00:00.0000000Z
August 2015 Inspire 2015 InspireRoundup of inspirational stories from across our schools. In this edition: Checking in with the principal of newly reopened Keonepoko Elementary, inside Waipahu High's summertime science research symposium, Waimanalo students build 'Car of the Future,' thriving community partnerships, award winning essay on Aloha Aina nets $2,500 scholarship, and more.string;#18-Aug-20152015-08-18T10:00:00.0000000Z
June 2015 Inspire 2015 InspireRoundup of inspirational stories from our students, educators, schools and partners. In this edition: Imua Class of 2015, Keaau Elementary students hit the 2015 BioBlitz, students create heavenly art in partnership with Gemini Observatory, many more.string;#09-Jun-20152015-06-09T10:00:00.0000000Z
April 2015 Inspire 2015 InspireRoundup of inspirational stories from our schools, students, educators and more. In this issue: major improvements in the College & Career Readiness Indicators reports, Malama Honua at the school level, Jefferson El's sustainability plan takes off, a look at the work of our academic coaches, accolades at Career & Technical Education events, and more.string;#20-Apr-20152015-04-20T10:00:00.0000000Z
February 2015 Inspire 2015 InspireInspirational stories from public schools, students and teachers across the state. In this edition: An update on Ka Hei and the Department's playground refurbishment program, Strive HI Recognition School profile looks at Mokapu El, first-year DOE teacher Sheldon Konno talks art and the Common Core, a peek at the Assessments Roadshow training, and watch the winners of the 2nd Annual "Be Pono — Be in School" video contest. string;#09-Feb-20152015-02-09T10:00:00.0000000Z
December 2014 Inspire 2014 InspireA roundup of inspirational stories from our schools, educators, students and partners. In this edition: Highlights from Hawaii's Hour of Code, Strive HI profiles of Noelani and Pomaikai Elementary Schools, James Campbell Co. donates $250,000 to West Oahu schools, "Oceans of Aloha" at Iroquois Point Elementary. Be Inspired! — get this and DOE newsletters delivered to your inbox by hitting the "Subscribe" button in the footer of this website.string;#15-Dec-20142014-12-15T10:00:00.0000000Z
October 2014 Inspire Enews 2014 Inspire EnewsInspirational stories from around the Department. In this edition: Strive HI Recognition School profile of Helemano Elementary, National Librarian of the Year, teacher wins national Unsung Heroes award, the Chamber of Commerce weighs in on educational reform, more. Be Inspired! — get this and DOE newsletters delivered to your inbox by hitting the "Subscribe" button in the footer of this website.string;#28-Oct-20142014-10-28T10:00:00.0000000Z
Inspire E-news: July 2014 E-news: July 2014Get inspired with good news stories about our students, educators, schools and more. In this issue: Hawaii impresses at the 2014 international science fair, CAS Ruth Silberstein is honored, Waianae cleans up at regional high school Emmys, more.string;#11-Jul-20142014-07-11T10:00:00.0000000Z
May 2014 Inspire E-news 2014 Inspire E-newsRoundup of inspirational stories include national chess champs at Washington Middle, welcoming a new military family at Leilehua, scenes from Teacher Appreciation Week, Mililani High senior takes 1st place at national science symposium, results from Olelo Youth XChange video contest and Windward District's "Be Pono" campaign, and more.string;#19-May-20142014-05-19T10:00:00.0000000Z
March 2014 Inspire ENews 2014 Inspire ENewsRoundup of inspirational stories includes an update on the Access Learning 1:1 digital curriculum pilot, Michelle Kay named Milken Educator, Ryan Kagami named Teacher of Promise, Nanakuli High and Intermediate performing arts students visit the White House.string;#25-Mar-20142014-03-25T10:00:00.0000000Z
Dec. 3 Inspire enews 3 Inspire enewsInspirational stories from our schools, including Kahaluu Elementary going green for the holidays thanks to volunteers, a turn around under way at Kaimuki High under Principal Wade Araki, and parting thoughts from BOE member Wesley Lo. Get these stories in your inbox! Hit the "Subscribe" button in the footer of our website.string;#03-Dec-20132013-12-03T10:00:00.0000000Z
Nov. 5 Inspire Enews 5 Inspire EnewsStories include the 2014 State and District Teachers of the Year, inspiring video of King Intermediate Principal Sheena Alaiasa (2014 National Middle-Level Principal of the Year), Maui High Band invited to 2015 Rose Parade, GEAR UP closing achievement gap, Pauoa Elementary's "Kinder Garden." Subscribe to our newsletters by hitting the "Subscribe" button in the footer of our website.string;#05-Nov-20132013-11-05T10:00:00.0000000Z
Oct. 3 Inspire Enews 3 Inspire EnewsIn this edition: 2013 employees of the year, 2 educators help struggling student triumph, Spring named Hawaii History Teacher of the Year, $256K for Waipahu High's Early College Program, $250K for tech needs at West Oahu schools, GEAR UP Hawaii helps challenged students get to college, volunteers bring Keoneolua garden to life.string;#03-Oct-20132013-10-03T10:00:00.0000000Z
Sept. 3 Inspire Enews 3 Inspire EnewsIn this edition: King Intermediate's Alaiasa is the National Middle-School Principal of the Year, Farrington unveils Smaller Learning Community, blending technology/culture on the Waianae Coast, Roosevelt senior achieves rare perfection on ACT, Waipahu High senior named GEAR UP National Youth of the Year, more.string;#03-Sep-20132013-09-03T10:00:00.0000000Z

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