
Strategic Plan

A foundation of expectations & supports to ensure high quality learning for all students.


Ho‘oha‘aheo is the Department's award-winning newsletter. As the Department’s primary publication, we aim to live up to the meaning of ha‘aheo — to cherish with pride — by bolstering and sustaining pride in public education and touting the successes happening across our system. Subscribe by clicking the button in the footer below. You can also explore our archive of Education Update, StriveHI and Inspire.



Hoohaaheo Department's award-winning publication featuring successes across our public schools.
Superintendent Report ReportSuperintendent Keith T. Hayashi's reports to the Board of Education.
Weekly COVID Updates COVID UpdatesCOVID-focused weekly Department updates and resources.
Strive HI Newsletter HI NewsletterAn archive of our Strive HI Newsletter of top stories relating to public school success.
Inspire archive of inspiring stories from our successful school communities.
Education Update UpdateAn archive of our printed newsletter sent to staff and schools.
Supt's Corner's CornerColumns and other communications from former Supt. Christina Kishimoto.

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