Aloha to School Year 2018-19


From Supt. Christina M. Kishimoto: We wrapped up the majority of our public school graduations this past week and I have thoroughly enjoyed attending ceremonies statewide with my leadership team. Our schools have great personalities! I’d like to congratulate our educators on a successful year.

​We wrapped up the majority of our public school graduations this past week and I have thoroughly enjoyed attending ceremonies statewide with my leadership team. Our schools have great personalities!

Supt. KishimotoI’d like to congratulate our educators on a successful year. You should be proud of the achievements of this year’s graduates. All of the pomp and circumstance of graduation – the beaming students walking (or dancing) across the stage, the families cheering them on – is because of the hard work and dedication that you poured into the educational journey of your students.

Over the summer, the Department will continue to collect feedback for HIDOE’s 2030 Promise Plan, develop our professionals on topics including Project Based Learning, Quality Special Education Services and Computer Science, and start to shift our focus for school year 2019-20 to quality instructional designs – Ideas That Transform!

I look forward to continuing our journey in delivering our core mission of equity, excellence and innovation in the fall. Meanwhile, enjoy your summer! 

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