Hawai‘i Data Sources

The Department collects data with two goals in mind: 1) To provide an evolving snapshot of the academic and social health of the public education system, and 2) To create real-time feedback for teachers and administrators to help them regularly assess student performance, and create learning interventions when and where students need them.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Data Systems

Teaching in the modern era requires access to real-time and longitudinal data that can be used to monitor student progress, identify effective teacher practices and inform decision-making at the classroom, school and system levels. These data are subject to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.

  • Electronic Student Information System (eSIS): Includes student biographical data, attendance, elementary homeroom class lists, school master schedule, student and teacher schedules, grades/marks/report cards, enrollment, parent information, emergency contacts, diploma types available, projected graduation date, student credit accumulation, Career Technical Education progress, student health information, and homelessness.
  • Electronic Comprehensive Student Support System (eCSSS): Includes student information relating to special education, English Language Learners, behavior assessments, progress monitoring, intervention and RTI management, along with support program data, action plans for at-risk students and early warning system.
  • Accountability System: Compiles scores from the state assessment (and alternate and Hawaiian language versions), student scores from quarterly assessments, and School Quality Survey results.
  • SMS Food Services: Produces data resulting from the Free and Reduced Price Lunch program. The Department also collects related charter schools data via the Office of Hawai‘i Child Nutrition Programs.
  • Electronic Human Resources System (eHR): Tracks teacher certification, payroll and personnel time & attendance.
  • PDE3: Accounts for staff professional development (courses taken and completed) along with teacher evaluation data.
  • Transportation: Real-time data about bus transportation and routes.
  • Facilities: Data about school facilities, space and infrastructure.
  • Financial Management: Repository for service verification and budget data.
  • Curriculum Development & Learning Management System: Data for formative assessments, grades, attendance and instructional & curricular management.
  • Migrant: Database with student-level data for students eligible for migrant services.
  • Longitudinal Education Information (LEI Kūlia): This system is a K-12 repository for our HIDOE stakeholders. Data in LEI Kūlia helps support tri-level (State, Complex Areas and Schools) informed decision making for continuous improvement. State program SMEs, Complex Area Support, Administrators, Leadership Teams, Counselors, Curriculum Coordinators, EL Coordinators and Teachers use reports in the data areas of Enrollment Demographics, Attendance, Risk Factors, Behavior, Academics, Social Emotional Learning, and State Assessments to analyze patterns and trends, and strengths and need areas.

The Department also produces data for the Hawai‘i Data Exchange Partnership (DXP) — a statewide cross-agency, longitudinal data system that links information from early learning through workforce.

Data Resources and Tools

Various online resources allow users to build snapshots or trend data for student, school and/or state populations. In an effort to make publicly available education data more easily accessible to researchers and to the general public, the Hawai‘i State Department of Education has gathered information about HIDOE and non-HIDOE education data reports and resources and where these may be accessed online. The lists below offer a great first stop for anyone interested in obtaining aggregate and de-identified HIDOE data. If additional data is needed for research or other projects, please view the different options for obtaining data or conducting research in HIDOE.

Department Resources and Tools

The Hawai‘i State Department of Education maintains a variety of resources and tools that are available to the public. This compiled list is organized by data type and provides a summary and links for each resource or tool.

External Resources and Tools

Civil Rights Data Collection website

Information about students in public elementary and secondary schools in the U.S. on a variety of indicators, including enrollment, access to educational programs or services, and academic proficiency results. Includes state - and school- specific data. Managed by the federal CRDC.

Hawai‘i Department of Business, Economic Development & Tourism

DBEDT's Research and Economic Analysis Division site serves as a repository of data related to commerce and the economy in Hawai‘i, including census data, visitor statistics, forecasts and more. Managed by Hawaii DBEDT: 808-586-2466.

Hawai‘i Health Data Warehouse

Hawai‘i data related to health and promoting healthy lifestyles. Includes data from the Youth Tobacco Surveillance and Evaluation System and Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Managed by the Hawai‘i Department of Health: 855-946-5899.

Juvenile Justice Information Center

Reports on juvenile offender information from the police, prosecutors, Family Court, and the Hawai‘i Youth Correctional Facility for use by the participating agencies in tracking juvenile offenders Managed by the Office of the Attorney General: 808-586-1150.

National Center for Education Statistics

NCES is the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data related to education in the U.S. and other nations. Includes state-specific data.

U.S. Department of Education — Research & Statistics

Section of the ED website that presents data and research about U.S. schools which has been collected by ED or other federal entities. Includes state-specific data. Includes:

  • Evaluation reports – from ED’s Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development (OPEPD)
  • Evaluation studies – from ED’s National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance (NCEE)
  • Performance and accountability reports for federal programs related to education and students
  • Nation’s Report Card – National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) data
  • State education performance – each state’s progress on achieving the goals tracked by the U.S. Education Dashboard
  • Research reports – from ED’s Institute of Education Sciences (IES)

U.S. Census Bureau

Repository of census data collected on the population of the U.S.

U.S. Department of Education "Data Express"

Includes three sections that allow users to view and access state-level data in different ways: State Snapshots, Data Element Explorer, and Build a State Table.


Clearinghouse for data collected by U.S. Federal Executive Agencies and Offices

Contact Information

Data Governance and Analysis Branch

Phone: 808-784-6060

Email: DGA@k12.hi.us


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