Data Issues Resolution Process
The Data Issues Resolution Process is a department-wide effort to provide a mechanism for proposing, addressing, tracking, and maintaining issues related to data governance which cannot be resolved at an individual level or which have conflicting concerns and/or interests that impact institutional processes and effectiveness. Learn more:
Data Sharing Activities
The Department has several data sharing agreements with external organizations and institutions. Current and past agreements include:
University of Hawaii and the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations: Memorandum of Understanding to enable the sharing of data to support research that will improve the educational and workforce outcomes for the citizens of Hawaii.
University of Hawaii: Memorandum of Understanding to enable coordination of data sharing for the Hawaii Partnership for Achieving Student Success (HI-PASS) to analyze and track students who have matriculated from the Hawaii State Department of Education and are attending the University of Hawaii or other member institutions of higher education in the state.
Hawaii Teacher Standards Board: Memorandum of Agreement to share information and an information sharing interface for State and Federal reporting requirements relating to teacher licensing and/or teacher employment. Pacific Resources for Education and Learning (PREL): Memorandum of Understanding to improve the academic outcomes of Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Island students in public schools through data exchange, training, and technical support.
Mathematica Policy Research, Inc.: Memorandum of Understanding to provide data as part of the evaluation of Race to the Top and Title I School Improvement Grant programs to examine how these programs are implemented and whether they improve student outcomes.
National Student Clearinghouse and Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE): Memorandum of Agreement to develop a pilot regional exchange for the purpose of exploring the feasibility and usefulness of such exchanges and to understand the way educated individuals are produced and flow through a region.
Privacy and Security Resources
Keeping sensitive and confidential information private and secure is essential for anyone who works with personally identifiable information. The following resources provide tips and best practices to help keep information secure.
Nutshells are short, one- to two-page tips and best practices about information privacy and security. In addition, each nutshell contains links to additional resources related to the topic.