Archived Legislative Reports, 2006

Archived reports for the Hawaii State Legislature, delivered prior to the start of the 2006 Legislative Session.

​Reports on the bills and resolutions passed in the 2005, Regular Session, Hawaii State Legislature

Bills and Resolutions



Act 51, SB 3238, SD2, HD2, CD1, Part XI, Section 61 Report on Education SystemReport on findings and recommendations on the progress and impact on the education system of Act 51, content and resources; a list of statutes, rules, policies or procedures that need to be amended, removed, or enacted to enable effective implementation of WSF, SCC and transparency in financial reporting; and a list of programs recommended to be repealed to enable DOE and schools greater flexibility in budgeting, operations, and curriculum management.  View report.
Act 51, SB3238, SD2, HD2, CD1,Part VIII. Section 42 OBSReport of the Interagency Working Group

Report on plans to implement the transfer of rights, powers, functions, duties, and resources from the Department of Accounting and General Services and the Department of Human Resources Development to the Department of Education.  View report.

Act 219, SB 17, SD1, HD1, CD2 Implementation of Two-Tier KindergartensReport on findings and recommendations regarding implementation of the two-tier junior kindergarten and kindergarten program.  View report.
HB 2002, HD2, SD1, CD1Increasing School Expenditures by School PrincipalsReport detailing the programs and functions placed under the control of schools to achieve benchmarks, 80% - 90% of the DOE's total budget appropriations.  View report.
SCR 131, SD1, SR69, SD1Development and Support for Robotics Education in HawaiiReport findings and recommendations to address coordination and support for robotics education in Hawaii, including sustainability, financing, educator PD and other issues.  View report.
SCR 164, SR84, HR 168, HD1 Establishment of Student Exchange Program With Republic of the PhilippinesReport on establishment of student exchange program involving students in Hawaii public schools and the Republic of the Philippines.  View report.
Act 200, HB 200, HD1, SD1, CD1 Part III, Section 43State Budget – No Child Left Behind NCLBReport on identified needs of funding, positions, organization schemes, facilities and equipment and statutory/constitutional amendments necessary to maintain compliance with NCLB.  View report.
Act 200, HB 200, HD2, SD1, CD1 Part III, Section 49State Budget – Autism ServicesReport on efforts to service autistic students including funding positions, organization schemes, and facilities and equipment.  View report.
Act 200, HB 200, HD1, SD1, CD1 Part VII, Section 142 State Budget – Transfer of Federal Funds for After School A+ ProgramsReport terms and conditions of the Transfer of Federal Funds for After School A+ Programs.  View report.


Required annual reports:

Annual Reports



Section 302A-1134, HRS Mandatory Expulsion Policy for Possession of a FirearmAnnual report on number of students excluded, types of firearms found in their possession and the schools from which they were excluded.  View report.
Section 302A-1004, HRSComprehensive Accountability System,Report on the specifics of the implementation of the comprehensive accountability system, as well as the fiscal requirements and legislative actions necessary to maintain and improve the accountability system.  View report.
Section 302A-1004, HRSAnnual Education Status Report

Report on:

  1. results of school-by-school assessment of educational outcomes;
  2. summaries of each school's standards implementation design;
  3. summaries of demographic make-up of schools;
  4. comparisons of conditions affecting Hawaii schools vs. other states;
  5. other such assessments deemed appropriate by the BOE.
View report.

Section 302A-1004, HRS

School-by-School Expenditures Report,
  1. The financial analysis of expenditures by the department with respect to the following areas:
    1. Instruction, including face-to-face teaching, and classroom materials;
    2. Instructional support, including pupil, teacher and program support;
    3. Operations, including non-instructional pupil services, facilities and business services;
    4. Other commitments, including contingencies, capital improvement projects, out-of-district obligations, and legal obligations;
    5. Leadership, including school management, program and operations management, and district management.
  2. The measures of accuracy, efficiency, and productivity of the DOE, districts and schools in delivering resources to the classroom and the student.
View report.
Section 304-20, HRSAnnual Report on the Teacher Education Coordinating CommitteeReport on activities relating to: The development of strong teacher training programs at accredited institutions of higher learning in Hawaii and; Addressing issues and concerns regarding teacher preparation and other educational matters related to improving education in the State of Hawaii.  View Report.
Section 302A-1309, HRSSchool Priority ProgramAnnual report on use of funds by schools.  View report.
Section 302A-301, HRSIncentive and Innovation Grant Trust FundAnnual report on operations of the Grant Award and Review Panel.  View report.
Section 302A-620, HRS Classification/Compensation Appeals Board

Even-numbered years' report on the classification/compensation plan and related cost.  View report.

Section 29-25, HRSFederal and Trust FundsAnnual report on the exact amount and specific nature of federal impact aid, U.S. Department of Defense funds, and federal indirect overhead reimbursements received.  View report.
Section 29-1405, HRSFederal Grant Search, Development, and Application Revolving FundAnnual report on the status of federal grant search, development and application revolving fund.  View report.
Section 37-14.5, HRS Carry over of FundsAnnual report to the Director of B&F identifying the total amount of funds to be carried over to the next fiscal year. Annual report on total amount of funds and on a school-by-school basis.  View report.
Section 302A-1504School-level Minor R & M AccountsReport to Director of Finance 90 days after close of FY on funds in each school account and carryover to next FY.  View report.
Act 309 SLH 2001/ Act 213 SLH 2004/ Act 51 SB 3238, SD2, HD2, CD1 Part VIII, Section 45 Hawaii 3Rs School Repair and Maintenance FundAnnual report of progress of Hawaii School R & M fund.  View report.
Act 51, SLH 2004, and Act 316, SLH 2001Annual Report for Repair and MaintenanceFinancial statement of the maintenance accounts and status of repair and maintenance projects undertaken.​​  View report.


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