Archived Legislative Reports, 2009

Archived reports for the Hawaii State Legislature, delivered prior to the start of the 2009 Legislative Session.

​​​​Reports on the bills and resolutions passed in the 2008 Regular Session, Hawaii State Legislature:




HB 0019,HD2,SD2,CD1
Act 245

School Impact FeesAnnual report requiring each school impact district to determine the appropriate student generation rates for the area (school impact fees).  View report.
HB 0500, HD1,SD1,CD1
Section 67
Act 213

Superintendent's FundReport on expenditures on assistance to schools to transition to weighted student formula and elementary schools who model full inclusion SPED programs.  View report.  
HB 0500,HD1,SD1,CD1
Section 73
Act 213

Relating to the State BudgetReport on progress and status of the implementation of the electronic CSSS and need for contracted services.  View report 
HB 0500,HD1,SD1,CD1
Section 75
Act 213

Progress and Status Report for eSISReport on progress and status of the implementation of the electronic eSIS.  View report 
HB 0500,HD1,SD1,CD1
Section 76
Act 213

Relating to the State BudgetReport on expenditures to support the mentor program, para-educator training program.  View report.
HB 0500,HD1,SD1,CD1
Section 77
Act 213

Relating to the State BudgetReport on school food services including cost saving measures.  View report. 
HB 0500,HD1,SD1,CD1
Section 78
Act 213

Relating to the State BudgetReport on student transportation services including yearly projections on revenues and expenditures, and cost saving measures.  View report. 
HB 0500,HD1,SD1,CD1
Section 79
Act 213

Relating to the State BudgetReport on current and projected usage and costs of electricity, sewer, and water services.  View report.
HB 0500,HD1,SD1,CD1
Section 80
Act 213

Relating to the State BudgetReport on various energy efficiency projects and change in energy usage.  View report.
SB 0686,SD1,HD1,CD1
Act 274

Relating to Educational AssistantsReport on repricing class levels and other career ladder enhancements, the number of affected individuals, and the cost impact of implementing repricing of current class levels and a career ladder for educational assistants.  View report.
SB 0885,SD2,HD3,CD1
Part III

Agriculture EducationReport on activities toward implementation of the agriculture education program, coordination between agriculture education and culinary arts programs, and funding to expand the agriculture education program.  View report.
HCR 055
HR 035
SR 093

Integrating Peace Education Into the School CurriculumReport on feasibility of subject matter.  View report.
HCR 083
HR 059

Extent to Which Supplemental Academic Activities are Included in the A Plus After-School ProgramReport on findings and recommendations on assessing the subject matter.  View report.
SCR 017

Special Needs of Preschool Age Children with Developmental Disabilities (file damaged, new copy requested)Report on findings and recommendations including any proposed legislation regarding subject matter.  View report.
SCR 078,SD1
SR 045,SD1

Providing More Opportunities for Potentially High Achieving StudentsReport on current initiatives and develop a plan for future areas of improvement for high achieving students, including via the Internet.  View report.
SB 3059,SD2,HD1,CD1
Act 301(SLH 2006)

Standards-Based CurriculumReport annual progress on the process of aligning course materials for all grades w/HCPS and federal educational standards, and on any vendor selected to provide its software program(s). Also a second report on: (1) assessment of the implementation of articulated and aligned S-B curricula in schools and complexes; (2) performance and competency indicators of student achievement; (3) a plan for a complex-by-complex development and implementation of a S-B curriculum; (4) resource requirements and timeline to implement curriculum; and (5) any need to contract with a curricular developer or consultant.  View report.
SB 3101,SD2,HD2,CD1
Act 259(SLH 2006)

Early Childhood EducationEstablishes an early learning educational taskforce to develop a five-year plan with annual increments for a coherent, comprehensive, and sustainable early learning system. Also, a final report of its progress, findings, and recommendations, including any additional proposed legislation.  View report.
HB 2175,HD2,SD2,CD1
Section 2
Act 096(SLH 2006)

Relating to EnergyAppropriates funds to develop and implement a photovoltaic, net energy metered pilot project in public schools; and requires a final report (in 2008).  View report.
HB 0500,HD1,SD1,CD1
Section 68
Act 213
Relating to the State Budget General Fund Appropriation of $5,000,000 for Restructuring Schools Under No Child Left Behind

Report on NCLB restructured schools: (1) spending per school; and (2) evaluations from consultants on progress.  View report.

HB 0598,HD1,SD1,CD1
Act 275
Relating to Education Online Learning Task ForceTask force report to develop a systematic plan to expand opportunities for online learning, including projected costs and desirable outcomes, to enhance the learning experiences of students across the State. View report.

SB 1614,SD1,HD1,CD1
Act 268
Relating to Education
Progress Report for Waianae Human 
Resource Management Initiative

 Report on implementation of a human resource management model pilot project for Waianae Complex Schools to improve teacher quality, recruitment, and retention.
SB 1931,SD2,HD3,CD2
Act 283
Relating to Education
Educational Workforce Work Group
Requires the DOE to include in its strategic plan, plans for workforce-related needs. Appropriates funding to assist DOE with its workforce development efforts.  View report.
SR 104,SD1
HR 204,HD1
(Session 2006)
Air Cooling Needs of Each School Complex and Use of Alternative Air Cooling MethodsRequests the DOE to study air cooling needs of each school complex and to review feasibility of using alternative air cooling methods, and develop a strategic plan for air cooling methods in public schools. Submit a final report to the 2008 Legislature.  View report.


Required annual reports:​




Section 302A-1134, HRS

Mandatory Expulsion Policy for Possession of a Firearm School Year 2006-07

Annual report on number of students excluded, types of firearms found in their possession and the schools from which they were excluded.  View report.

Section 302A-1004, HRS

Educational Assessment and Accountability; Annual Reports

Annual report on: 1) results of school-by-school assessment of educational outcomes; 2) summaries of each school's standards implementation design;3) summaries of demographic make-up of schools; 4) comparisons of conditions affecting Hawaii schools vs. other states; and 5) other such assessments deemed appropriate by the BOE.  View report. 

Section 304A-302, HRS

Annual Report on the Teacher Education Coordinating Committee

Report on activities relating to:
1) the development of strong teacher training programs at accredited institutions of higher learning in Hawaii and;
2) addressing issues and concerns regarding teacher preparation and other educational matters related to improving education in the State of Hawaii.  View report.

Section 302A-301, HRS

Incentive and Innovation Grant Trust Fund

Annual report on operations of the Grant Award and Review Panel.  View report.

Section 29-25, HRS

Federal and Trust Funds

Annual report on the exact amount and specific nature of federal impact aid, U.S. Department of Defense funds, and federal indirect overhead reimbursements received.  View report.

Section 302A-1405, HRS

Federal Grant Search, Development, and Application Revolving Fund

Annual report on the status of federal grant search, development and application revolving fund.   View report.

Section 37-41.5, HRS

Carryover of Funds

Annual report to the Director of B&F identifying the total amount of funds to be carried over to the next fiscal year. Annual report on total amount of funds and on a school-by-school basis.  View report.

Section 37-74 (d) HRS
Act 51, SLH 2004

Transfers of Appropriated Funds and Positions

Quarterly reports to Governor on subject matter and annual report to Governor and Legislature. View report.

Section 302A-1504

School-level Minor R & M Accounts

Report to Director of Finance 90 days after close of FY on funds in each school account and carryover to next FY.  View report.

Section 302A-1502.4

Hawaii 3R's School Repair and Maintenance Fund

Annual report of progress of Hawaii School Repair and Maintenance fund. View report.

HB 2175,HD2,SD2,CD1,Section 6, Act 096, SLH 2006

Relating to Energy

Annual report of the Energy Advisory Committee on recommendations for energy savings contracts, efficiency products, improved building design, reduced energy use, efficient and renewable technologies, establishing benchmarks and evaluate State's progress, and conducting audits. This DOE report was submitted to the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism (DBEDT).  View report.

Section 302A-1004, HRS
(b) Comprehensive Accountability System


(c) School-by-School Expenditure Report

Report of the specifics of the implementation of the comprehensive accountability system, as well as the fiscal requirements and legislative actions necessary to maintain and improve the accountability system.

1) The financial analysis of expenditures by the department with respect to the following areas:
(A) Instruction, including face-to-face teaching, and classroom materials;
(B) Instructional support, including pupil, teacher and program support;
(C) Operations, including non-instructional pupil services, facilities and business services;
(D) Other commitments, including contingencies, capital improvement projects, out-of-district obligations, and legal obligations;
(E) Leadership, including school management, program and operations management, and district management.
2)The measures of accuracy, efficiency, and productivity of the DOE, districts and schools in delivering resources to the classroom and the student.

Section 36-35
Section 36-36 
Section 302A-1312
Annual Report for Repair and MaintenanceAnnual report of account finances and status of R & M projects undertaken and an annual report on six-year program and financial plan for school R & M including annual funding requirements.  View report.
SB 1394
Act 141
July, 2007 Report on the Medicaid School-based Claiming ProgramReport quarterly on the Department of Education's effort to establish and implement a federal maximization program for Medicaid-eligible health services that it provides to Hawaii's school-aged children.​  View report.


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