HB 0019,HD2,SD2,CD1 Act 245
| School Impact Fees | Annual report requiring each school impact district to determine the appropriate student generation rates for the area (school impact fees). View report. |
HB 0500, HD1,SD1,CD1 Section 67 Act 213
| Superintendent's Fund | Report on expenditures on assistance to schools to transition to weighted student formula and elementary schools who model full inclusion SPED programs. View report. |
HB 0500,HD1,SD1,CD1 Section 73 Act 213
| Relating to the State Budget | Report on progress and status of the implementation of the electronic CSSS and need for contracted services. View report. |
HB 0500,HD1,SD1,CD1 Section 75 Act 213
| Progress and Status Report for eSIS | Report on progress and status of the implementation of the electronic eSIS. View report . |
HB 0500,HD1,SD1,CD1 Section 76 Act 213
| Relating to the State Budget | Report on expenditures to support the mentor program, para-educator training program. View report. |
HB 0500,HD1,SD1,CD1 Section 77 Act 213
| Relating to the State Budget | Report on school food services including cost saving measures. View report. |
HB 0500,HD1,SD1,CD1 Section 78 Act 213
| Relating to the State Budget | Report on student transportation services including yearly projections on revenues and expenditures, and cost saving measures. View report. |
HB 0500,HD1,SD1,CD1 Section 79 Act 213
| Relating to the State Budget | Report on current and projected usage and costs of electricity, sewer, and water services. View report. |
HB 0500,HD1,SD1,CD1 Section 80 Act 213
| Relating to the State Budget | Report on various energy efficiency projects and change in energy usage. View report. |
SB 0686,SD1,HD1,CD1 Act 274
| Relating to Educational Assistants | Report on repricing class levels and other career ladder enhancements, the number of affected individuals, and the cost impact of implementing repricing of current class levels and a career ladder for educational assistants. View report. |
SB 0885,SD2,HD3,CD1 Part III Act III
| Agriculture Education | Report on activities toward implementation of the agriculture education program, coordination between agriculture education and culinary arts programs, and funding to expand the agriculture education program. View report. |
HCR 055 HR 035 SR 093
| Integrating Peace Education Into the School Curriculum | Report on feasibility of subject matter. View report. |
HCR 083 HR 059
| Extent to Which Supplemental Academic Activities are Included in the A Plus After-School Program | Report on findings and recommendations on assessing the subject matter. View report. |
SCR 017
| Special Needs of Preschool Age Children with Developmental Disabilities (file damaged, new copy requested) | Report on findings and recommendations including any proposed legislation regarding subject matter. View report. |
SCR 078,SD1 SR 045,SD1
| Providing More Opportunities for Potentially High Achieving Students | Report on current initiatives and develop a plan for future areas of improvement for high achieving students, including via the Internet. View report. |
SB 3059,SD2,HD1,CD1 Act 301(SLH 2006)
| Standards-Based Curriculum | Report annual progress on the process of aligning course materials for all grades w/HCPS and federal educational standards, and on any vendor selected to provide its software program(s). Also a second report on: (1) assessment of the implementation of articulated and aligned S-B curricula in schools and complexes; (2) performance and competency indicators of student achievement; (3) a plan for a complex-by-complex development and implementation of a S-B curriculum; (4) resource requirements and timeline to implement curriculum; and (5) any need to contract with a curricular developer or consultant. View report. |
SB 3101,SD2,HD2,CD1 Act 259(SLH 2006)
| Early Childhood Education | Establishes an early learning educational taskforce to develop a five-year plan with annual increments for a coherent, comprehensive, and sustainable early learning system. Also, a final report of its progress, findings, and recommendations, including any additional proposed legislation. View report. |
HB 2175,HD2,SD2,CD1 Section 2 Act 096(SLH 2006)
| Relating to Energy | Appropriates funds to develop and implement a photovoltaic, net energy metered pilot project in public schools; and requires a final report (in 2008). View report.
HB 0500,HD1,SD1,CD1 Section 68 Act 213
| Relating to the State Budget General Fund Appropriation of $5,000,000 for Restructuring Schools Under No Child Left Behind | Report on NCLB restructured schools: (1) spending per school; and (2) evaluations from consultants on progress. View report. |
HB 0598,HD1,SD1,CD1 Act 275
| Relating to Education Online Learning Task Force | Task force report to develop a systematic plan to expand opportunities for online learning, including projected costs and desirable outcomes, to enhance the learning experiences of students across the State. View report. |
SB 1614,SD1,HD1,CD1 Act 268 Relating to Education Progress Report for Waianae Human Resource Management Initiative | | Report on implementation of a human resource management model pilot project for Waianae Complex Schools to improve teacher quality, recruitment, and retention. |
SB 1931,SD2,HD3,CD2 Act 283
| Relating to Education Educational Workforce Work Group | Requires the DOE to include in its strategic plan, plans for workforce-related needs. Appropriates funding to assist DOE with its workforce development efforts. View report. |
SR 104,SD1 HR 204,HD1 (Session 2006)
| Air Cooling Needs of Each School Complex and Use of Alternative Air Cooling Methods | Requests the DOE to study air cooling needs of each school complex and to review feasibility of using alternative air cooling methods, and develop a strategic plan for air cooling methods in public schools. Submit a final report to the 2008 Legislature. View report. |