HB 0019,HD2,SD2,CD1 Act 245 (SLH 2007) | Relating to Education | Annual report requiring each school impact district to determine the appropriate student generation rates for the area (school impact fees). View report. |
HB 0500, HD1,SD1,CD1 Section 67 Act 213 (SLH 2007) | Relating to the State Budget
| Report on expenditures on assistance to schools to transition to weighted student formula and elementary schools that model full inclusion SPED programs. View report. |
HB 0500,HD1,SD1,CD1 Section 68 Act 213 (SLH 2007) | Relating to the State Budget
| Report on NCLB restructured schools: (1) spending per school; and (2) evaluations from consultants on progress. View report. |
HB 0500,HD1,SD1,CD1 Section 73 Act 213 (SLH 2007) | Relating to the State Budget
| Report on progress and status of the implementation of the electronic CSSS and need for contracted services. View report. |
HB 0500,HD1,SD1,CD1 Section 75 Act 213 (SLH 2007) | Relating to the State Budget
| Report on progress and status of the implementation of the electronic eSIS. View report. |
HB 0500,HD1,SD1,CD1 Section 76 Act 213 (SLH 2007) | Relating to the State Budget
| Report on expenditures to support the mentor program, para-educator training program. View report. |
HB 0500,HD1,SD1,CD1 Section 77 Act 213 (SLH 2007) | Relating to the State Budget
| Report on school food services including cost saving measures. View report. |
HB 0500,HD1,SD1,CD1 Section 78 Act 213 (SLH 2007) | Relating to the State Budget
| Report on student transportation services including yearly projections on revenues and expenditures, and cost saving measures. View report. |
HB 0500,HD1,SD1,CD1 Section 79 Act 213 (SLH 2007) | Relating to the State Budget
| Report on current and projected usage and costs of electricity, sewer, and water services. View report. |
HB 0500,HD1,SD1,CD1 Section 80 Act 213 (SLH 2007) | Relating to the State Budget
| Report on various energy efficiency projects and change in energy usage. View report. |
HB 0500,HD1,SD1,CD1 Section 81 Act 213 (SLH 2007) | Relating to the State Budget
| Report on progress for the Hawaii 3Rs program. View report. |
HB 2500,HD1,SD1,CD1 Section 73.1 Act 158 (SLH 2008) | Relating to the State Budget
| Report on detailed services provided and costs incurred including outcome and performance reports on each service. View report. |
SB 0885,SD2,HD3,CD1 Part III Act III (SLH 2007) | Relating to Education
| Report on activities toward implementation of the agriculture education program, coordination between agriculture education and culinary arts programs, and funding to expand the agriculture education program. View report. |
SB 2004,SD2,HD2,CD1 Act 179 (SLH 2008) | Relating to Education
| Extends the administrative hearing procedures and subpoena power relating to education of children with disabilities to 180 days. Requires annual report on the total number of requests for due process hearing relating to the reimbursement of costs for a child's placement. View report. |
SB 2878,SD2,HD2,CD1 Act 14 (veto override) (SLH 2008) | Relating to Early Learning
| Requires the early learning system to be developed and administered by the early learning council attached to the DOE. Establishes the Keiki 1st Steps grant program, provisions relating to the early childhood education facilities pre-plus program and requires annual report of progress and status of the early learning system in Hawaii. View report. |
SB 3059,SD2,HD1,CD1 Act 301 (SLH 2006) | Standards-Based Curriculum
| Report annual progress on the process of aligning course materials for all grades w/HCPS and federal educational standards, and on any vendor selected to provide its software program(s). Also a second report on: (1) assessment of the implementation of articulated and aligned S-B curricula in schools and complexes; (2) performance and competency indicators of student achievement; (3) a plan for a complex-by-complex development and implementation of a S-B curriculum; (4) resource requirements and timeline to implement curriculum; and (5) any need to contract with a curricular developer or consultant. View report. |
HCR 71,HD2 HR 62,HD2 | Requesting BOE to study school bus seat belt policies and compile and analyze data
| Report on findings and recommendations regarding school bus safety including issues related to seat belt use and any proposed legislation. View report. |
HCR 126,HD1,SD1 HR 108,HD1 | Requesting DOE and DOH to jointly study the feasibility of integrating rehabilitation programs for students with anger problems
| Report on the progress of the study including proposals for DOE anger management programs and projected costs. View report. |
SCR 72,SD1 | Requesting DOE conduct feasibility study to examine impacts of a longer school day and increasing the number of days in the school years on K thru 12 students
| Report on findings and recommendations including any proposed legislation. (Refer to resolution for details to be included in the report.) View report. |
SCR 74,SD1 | Requesting DOE to convene a working group to develop guidelines to reduce the truancy rate in the public school system
| Interim report on guidelines regarding truancy reduction and increase academic success including student support system, quality assurance processes and school attendance program. Final report including guidelines, timeline for implementation, and data to be collected. View report. |
SCR 84,SD1 | Requesting DOE and the Hawaii Public School Food Service to develop nutritionally-sound public school menu plans that include vegetarian and vegan meals
| Report on the subject matter, conduct of training and workshops for cafeteria managers and workers, and post website of schools serving these menu options. View report. |
SCR 88,SD1 | Requesting DOE to develop prototype model or guidelines when installing or creating shaded play areas at public schools
| Report on subject matter to assist schools, community groups or volunteer organizations. View report. |
SCR 111 | Requesting DOE to prepare curricular materials that reflect the Hawaii standards to assist a teacher who temporarily teaches in an area of not highly qualified
| Report on subject matter to prepare curricular materials that reflect the Hawaii standards to assist a teacher who temporarily teaches in an area of not highly qualified. View report. |
SCR 114,SD1 | Creating an advisory group to re-engineer the DOE's Office of Human Resources
| Interim progress report of advisory group actions, findings, and recommendations including any proposed legislation. Final report of the advisory group. View report. |
SCR 220 | Requesting DOE to consider continuing Project Graduation training through driver education underwriters' fees as part of traffic safety education
| Report on subject matter and how DOE is continuing after the cessation of its federal grant. View report. |