Archived Legislative Reports, 2011

Archived reports for the Hawaii State Legislature, delivered prior to the start of the 2011 Legislative Session.

​​​​REPORTS ON THE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS passed in the 2010 Regular Session, Hawaii State Legislature.​

Authorizing Instrument 


Report or Action Requested

HB 0200,HD1,SD1,CD1 Section 36 Act 162 (SLH 2009)

Relating to the State Budget (progress of restructuring)

Report on evaluations from each educational consultant assigned to each school on the progress of restructuring under NCLB, and the spending per school.  View report.

HB 0200, HD1,SD1,CD1 Section 38 Act 162 (SLH 2009)

Relating to the State Budget (services to homeless students)

Report on detailed breakout of services provided and costs incurred, including outcome and performance reports on each service provided to address the needs of homeless students.  View report.

HB 0200,HD1,SD1,CD1 Section 68 Act 162 (SLH 2009)

Relating to the State Budget (project funded staff services budget)

Report on project funded staff services budget detailing each permanent position by number, position title, and compensation (incl. fringe) in accordance with Section 92F-12(a)(14), and for non-permanent CIP related positions.  View report.

HB 2763,HD1,SD1,CD1 Act 240 (SLH 2008)

Relating to Services for Children of Incarcerated Parents

Task Force annual report of statewide statistics/data, data analysis, findings, and theoretical models for improvement of subject matter.  View report.

SCR 030,HD1 (2009)

Requesting the DOE to conduct a feasibility study on converting hard cover text books to E-books for use in public schools

Study to include a review of accessibility features for students who are blind or visually impaired. Report findings and recommendations including cost estimates.  View report.

SCR 064,SD1 SR 038,SD1(2009)

Requesting each jurisdiction within the State of Hawaii to submit periodic repricing reviews, as required under Section 89-9,HRS

Report results of repricing reviews to the Legislature, appropriate bargaining units and make available online.  View report.

SCR 074,SD1 (2008)

Requesting DOE to convene a working group to develop guidelines to reduce the truancy rate in the public school system

Final report including guidelines, timeline for implementation, and data to be collected.  View report.






HB 0019 Act 245 (SLH 2007)

Relating to Education (school impact fees)

Annual report on implementation of the school impact fees act.  View report.

SB 1394 Act 141 (SLH 2005) (Quarterly Reports)

Federal Funds for Medicaid Eligible Health Services for Students (Quarterly Reports)

Quarterly reports that include: 1) amount of Medicaid federal reimbursement received for federal FY 2004-2005 to 2009-2010; 2) amount of additional funding secured; 3) amount of claims pending; 4) amount of additional federal funding projected to be secured over the next 5 years; & 5) plans for the reinvestment of additional federal funds to expand needed services to the State's children.  View report.

SB 1394 Act 141 (SLH 2005) (Annual Reports)

Federal Funds for Medicaid Eligible Health Services for Students (Annual Reports)

Annual report that includes: 1) amount of Medicaid federal reimbursement received for federal FY 2004-2005 to 2009-2010; 2) amount of additional funding secured; 3) amount of claims pending; 4) amount of additional federal funding projected.  View report.

SB 2004 Act 179 (SLH 2008)

Relating to Education (requests for due process hearings)

Annual report on total number of requests for a due process hearing relating to the reimbursement of costs for a child's placement filed by a parent or guardian of a child with a disability.  View report.

SB 2878 Act 14 (SLH 2008, Special Session)

Relating to Early Learning

Annual report to Legislature and Early Learning Council on number of classrooms suitable for programs and services in the early learning system and cost of renovating those classrooms to meet standards.  View report.

Section 29-25, HRS

Federal and Trust Funds

Annual report on the exact amount and specific nature of federal impact aid, U.S. Department of Defense funds, and federal indirect overhead reimbursements received.  View report.

Section 36-32, HRS

State Educational Facilities Improvement Special Fund

Report on the financial statement of the special fund, lease payments for schools account established, and the status of projects undertaken pursuant to this section.  View report.

Section 36-35

State Educational Facilities Repair and Maintenance Account

Annual report of account finances and status of R & M projects undertaken. Project expenditures shall be posted electronically on the Internet within 30 days of each project's completion.  View report.

Section 36-36

School Physical Plant Operations and Maintenance Account

Annual report of account finances and status of R & M projects undertaken. Project expenditures shall be posted electronically on the Internet and updated quarterly.  View report.

Section 37-41.5, HRS

Carry over of Funds

Annual report to the Director of B & F identifying the total amount of funds to be carried over to the next fiscal year.  View report.

Annual report on total amount of funds and on a school-by-school basis.  View report.

Section 37-74 (d) HRS Act 051 (SLH 2004)

Transfers Performed Between Programs and Agencies Transfers of Appropriated Funds and Positions

Quarterly reports to Governor on subject matter and annual report to Governor and Legislature.  View report.

Section 302A-301, HRS

Incentive and Innovation Grant Trust Fund

Annual report on operations of the Grant Award and Review Panel.  View report.  View report.

Section 302A-1004, HRS

(b) Comprehensive Accountability System

Report of the specifics of the implementation of the comprehensive accountability system, as well as the fiscal requirements and legislative actions necessary to maintain and improve the accountability system.  View report.  View report.

Section 302A-1004, HRS (Annual Education Status)

(c) Annual Education Status Report Educational Assessment & Accountability Annual Reports

Report On: 1) Results of school-by-school assessment of educational outcomes;

2) Summaries of each school's standards implementation design;

3) Summaries of demographic make-up of schools;

4) Comparisons of conditions affecting Hawaii schools vs. other states;

5) Other such assessments deemed appropriate by the BOE.  View report.

Section 302A-1004, HRS (School-by-school Expenditure Reports)

(d) School-by-School Expenditure Report

1) The financial analysis of expenditures by the department with respect to the following areas:

      (A) Instruction, including face-to-face teaching, and classroom materials;

      (B) Instructional support, including pupil, teacher and program support;

      (C) Operations, including non-instructional pupil services, facilities and business services;

      (D) Other commitments, including contingencies, capital improvement projects, out-of-district obligations, and legal obligations;

      (E) Leadership, including school management, program and operations management, and district management.

2) The measures of accuracy, efficiency, and productivity of the DOE, districts and schools in delivering resources to the classroom and the student.  View report.

Section 302A-1134, HRS

Mandatory Expulsion Policy for Possession of a Firearm SY 2008 - 2009

Annual report on number of students excluded, types of firearms found in their possession and the schools from which they were excluded.  View report.

Section 302A-1312

Six-Year Program and Financial Plan for School R & M

Report on Six-Year Program and Financial Plan for School R & M including annual funding requirements. Also develop and maintain facilities physical analysis report for each public school posted electronically on the Internet.  View report.

Section 302A-1405, HRS

Federal Grant Search, Development, and Application Revolving Fund

Annual report on the status of federal grant search, development and application revolving fund.  View report.

Section 302A-1502.4

Hawaii 3Rs School Repair and Maintenance Fund

Annual report of progress of Hawaii School R & M fund.  View report.

Section 302A-1504

School-level Minor R & M Accounts

Report to Director of Finance 90 days after close of FY on funds in each school account and carry over to next FY.  View report.

Section 304A-302, HRS

Annual Report on the Teacher Education Coordinating Committee

Report on activities relating to: 1) The development of strong teacher training programs at accredited institutions of higher learning in Hawaii and; 2) Addressing issues and concerns regarding teacher preparation and other educational matters related to improving education in the State of Hawaii.  View report.

Section 317-6, HRS

Secondary School Student Conference

Evaluation report of conference proceedings including specific recommendations for action.  View report.

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