Archived Legislative Reports, 2013

Archived reports for the Hawaii State Legislature, delivered prior to the start of the 2013 Legislative Session.


REPORTS ON THE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS passed in the 2012 Regular Session, Hawaii State Legislature


HB 0200,HD1,SD1,CD1
Section 41
Act 164(SLH2011)

Relating to the State Budget

Report on EDN 400 special funds appropriation for school support detailing each permanent and non-permanent CIP related positions by number, position, title, and compensation (including fringe benefits). View report.

HB 0200,HD1,SD1,CD1
Section 47
Act 164(SLH2011)

Relating to the State Budget

Quarterly report on the progress made of all DOE's CIP appropriations, and for each active project, provide information on total appropriation amount, lapse amount to date, expenditures to date, unalloted amount, allotment.

Section 131
Act 164(SLH2011)

Relating to the State Budget

No funds for FY2012-13 shall be expended for home-to-school transportation costs not mandated by state or federal law, provided the DOE report on comprehensive analysis of alternatives for providing student transportation, cost-benefit analysis of each alternative, prioritized transportation routes, examination of fee schedules and pricing strategies, evaluation of other jurisdiction programs, and recommendations including actual costs of all services. View report.

HB 0200,HD1,SD1,CD1
Section 132
Act 164(SLH2011)

Relating to the State Budget

Report on STEM and creative media programs. Refer to budget proviso detail requirements of the report. View report.

HB 0945,HD2,SD1,CD1
Act 52(SLH2011)

Relating to School Year and Instructional Time

Report on the following for public schools excluding charter and multi-track schools which shall implement a school year of 180 days and: (1) For SY2011-12: 50% elementary schools shall implement 915 student instructional hours; (2) For SY2012-13: All elementary schools have 915 hours; (3) For SY2014-16: All secondary schools shall implement 990 hours; (4) For SY2016-18: All public schools shall implement 180 days school year, excluding PD days negotiated, including 1080 student instructional hours for both elementary and secondary school grades. The BOE shall adopt policies and procedures and may grant a waiver to any individual school subject to the student instructional hours or 180 days school year requirement. View report.

SB 2004
Act 179 (SLH 2008)

Relating to Education

Annual report on total number of requests for a due process hearing relating to the reimbursement of costs for a child's placement filed by a parent or guardian of a child with a disability. View report.

SB 2117,SD1
Act 31 (SLH 2010)

Relating to Repeal of School-level Minor Repair and Maintenance Account

Report on total amount of funds in the school-level minor repairs and maintenance special fund that will carry over to the next fiscal year and submit to the Director of Finance and Legislature. View report.

SB 2878
Act 14
(SLH 2008, Special Session)

Relating to Early Learning

Annual report to Legislature and Early Learning Council on number of classrooms suitable for programs and services in the early learning system and cost of renovating those classrooms to meet standards. View report.

SCR 079,SD1

Requesting the BOE to review its by-laws and policies and applicable administrative rules and statutes to improve the effectiveness of the educational delivery system

Report on findings to BOE by-laws and policies including changes. View report.

SCR 140,SD1

Requesting the DOE to Respond to KPMG's Recommendations Regarding Improvements to the Department's Operations and Workflow

Report on subject matter.
Annual report for 2012 Legislative Session.
Annual report for 2013 Legislative Session.

SCR 145

Requesting the BOE and DOE to collaborate with parent organizations to develop statewide policies for family engagement for Hawaii's public schools

Report on findings and recommendations regarding subject matter.



HB 0019
Act 245 (SLH 2007)

Relating to Education

Annual report on implementation of the school impact fees act.

Section 29-25, HRS

Federal and Trust Funds

Annual report on the exact amount and specific nature of federal impact aid, U.S. Department of Defense funds, and federal indirect overhead reimbursements received. View report.

Section 36-32, HRS

State Educational Facilities Improvement Special Fund

Report on the financial statement of the special fund, lease payments for schools account established, and the status of projects undertaken pursuant to this section. View report.

Section 36-35

State Educational Facilities Repair and Maintenance Account

Annual report of account finances and status of R & M projects undertaken. Project expenditures shall be posted electronically on the Internet within 30 days of each project's completion. View report.

Section 37-41.5, HRS

Carry over of Funds

Annual report to the Director of B & F identifying the total amount of funds to be carried over to the next fiscal year. View report.

Annual report on total amount of funds and on a school-by-school basis. View report.

Section 37-74 (d) HRS
Act 051 (SLH 2004)

Transfers Performed Between Programs and Agencies
Transfers of Appropriated Funds and Positions

Quarterly reports to Governor on subject matter and annual report to Governor and Legislature. View report.

Section 302A-1004, HRS

(b) Comprehensive Accountability System

Report of the specifics of the implementation of the comprehensive accountability system, as well as the fiscal requirements and legislative actions necessary to maintain and improve the accountability system. View report.

Section 302A-1004, HRS

(d) School-by-School Expenditure Report

Financial analysis of expenditures by the department.

Section 302A-1134, HRS

Mandatory Expulsion Policy for Possession of a Firearm
SY 2010 - 2011

Annual report on number of students excluded, types of firearms found in their possession and the schools from which they were excluded. View report.

Section 302A-1312

Six-Year Program and Financial Plan for School R & M

Report on Six-Year Program and Financial Plan for School R & M including annual funding requirements. Also develop and maintain facilities physical analysis report for each public school posted electronically on the Internet. View report.

Section 302A-1405, HRS

Federal Grant Search, Development, and Application Revolving Fund

Annual report on the status of federal grant search, development and application revolving fund. View report.


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