5 | ACT 122 (SLH 2014) HB 1700, HD1, SD1, CD1 Section 19.4 (p.64-65) | The State Budget re: EDN 400 Utilities | The DOE shall submit the report to the legislature not later than 20 days prior to the convening of the regular session of 2015.
View report |
6 | ACT 155 (SLH 2013) SB 237, SD2, HD1, CD1 | Relating to Pilot Project for Lease of Public School Lands | DOE report due 20 days prior to 2014 Leg. session and each regular session thereafter until the completion of each project authorized pursuant to this Act.
View report |
7 | Act 245 (SLH2007) Historical note: HB 0019 HD2, SD2, CD1 | Relating to Education re: School Impact Fees | DOE annual report to the Legislature 20 days before regular session on the state of implementation of the School Impact Fees Act (codified as HRS sections 302A-1601 through 302A-1612). View report |
8 | Section 29-25, HRS | Federal Impact Aid, United States Department of Defense Funds, and Indirect Overhead Reimbursements | View report |
9 | Section 302A-1134, HRS | Relating to Mandatory Expulsion Policy for Possession of a Firearm, School Year 2013-14 |
View report |
10 | Section 302A-1405, HRS | Federal Grant Search, Development, and Application Revolving Fund | DOE annual report to the Legislature 20 days before regular session on the status of federal grant revolving fund and include a list of the grant applications to the federal agencies and the grant awards received.
View report |
11 | Section 302A-1504.5, HRS Historical note: Act 133 (SLH2012), Act 31 (SLH2010) & Act 150 (SLH2011) | School-level Minor Repairs and Maintenance Special Fund | DOE annual report to Director of Finance identifying total amount of funds in the school-level minor repairs and maintenance special fund that carries over to the next fiscal year submitted 90 days after the close of the FY, with a copy of the report filed with the Legislature no later than 20 days prior to the convening of each regular session.
View report |
12 | Section 302A-251, HRS (codification of Act 52 (SLH 2011), H.B. 945, HD2, SD1, CD1) | Relating to School Year and Instructional Time |
View report |
13 | Section 304A-1202 | Teacher Education Coordinating Committee (TECC) | Report on activities relating to: 1) the development of strong teacher training programs and accredited institutions of higher learning in Hawaii, and 2) addressing issues and concerns regarding teacher preparation and other educational matters related to improving education in the State of Hawaii.
View report |
14 | Section 37-41.5, HRS | Relating to Carryover of Funds | View report |
15 | Section 37-74 (d) HRS | Relating to the Transfers of Appropriated Funds and Positions | View report |