Legislative reports

The Department annually produces reports on the education-related bills and resolutions passed in the regular session from the previous year in the Hawaii State Legislature. Annual reports additionally requested by the Legislature are also produced. Archived reports can be accessed via links at the bottom of this page.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Reports for the 2025 Legislature​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Statute / Bill / Resolution
27-8, HRS
Local Food as a Percent of Food Costs​View Report
29-25(d), HRS
Impact Aid, United States Department of Defense Funds, and Indirect Overhead Reimbursements

37-41.5, HRS
Carryover Funds on a School-by-School Basis
​37-47, HRS
37-48, HRS
​37-49, HRS
​Reporting of Non-General Fund Information
​Non-General Fund Program Measures

​Non-General Fund Cost Element Reports

37-52.5, HRS
​​Establishment and Continuance of Administratively Established Accounts and Funds

37-74 (d)(3), HRS
Transfers Performed Between Programs and Agencies; Transfers of Appropriated Funds and Positions
202-10, HRS
​Workforce Development

302A-405.6, HRS6
​Local Farm to School Meals

302A-443(e), HRS
Administrative Hearing Procedures and Subpoena Power Relating to the Education of Children with a Disability

302A-450, HRS
Special Education and Title I-funded Public PreK Classrooms
302A-1004, HRSComprehensive Accountability System
302A-1312, HRSSix-Year Program and Financial Plan for School Repair and Maintenance
302A-1405, HRS
Federal Grant Search, Development, and Application Revolving Fund
302A-1504.5, HRSSchool-level Minor Repairs and Maintenance Special Fund
302A-1510, HRSSustainable Schools

​304A-1202, HRS
​​Teacher Education Coordinating Committee (TECC)

368D-4, HRS

​Title IX Complaints
View Report
Act 100 (1999)
Goals, Objectives, Policies, Action Plan and Performance Measures
​Act 142 (2022)
​School Supply Subsidy Pilot Program

Act 143 (2023)
Critical Emergency Response Pilot

Act 155 (2013)
Optimize the Use of Public School Lands for Generating Revenue
Act 166 (2023)

Autism Spectrum Disorder and Applied Behavior Analysis

​Act 167 (2023)
Medicaid Reimbursements

Act 207 (2018)
Composting Grant Pilot Project Working Group
​Act 245 (2007)
School Impact Fees

Act 248 (2022)
Instituting an Electronic Human Resources System
HCR 198 (2018)
Department Efforts to Comply with Title IX

SCR 34 (2023)
​Priority Fire Alarm

Other State Reports​

Archived​ Reports

2024  |  2023  |  2022  |  2021  |  2020  |  2019  |  2018  |  2017  |  2016  |  ​2015​  |  2014
2013​ ​ |  2012  |  2011  |  2010​​​​​  |  2009​  |  2008​  |  2007​  |  2006​  |  2005​  |  2004  |  2003


Contact Information

Brandon Lee

Phone: 808-282-5661

Email: Brandon.T.Lee@k12.hi.us


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