State Reports

The Department publishes a series of state-level reports on finance, student readiness, performance, special education, legislative requests and audits. The HIDOE Data Book (formerly the Superintendent's Annual Report) provides an overview of noteworthy indicators.

Strategic Plan Dynamic Report

Data about the K-12 public school system in Hawai‘i aligned with the 2017-2020 Strategic Plan. This information is presented annually to the Board of Education to track progress to state-level targets and to review what is and isn't working. It is a public resource so all stakeholders may easily view how the public school system is doing across a range of key performance indicators. View report.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​HIDOE Data Book

Performance and improvement information about Hawaii's public schools, formerly known as the Superintendent's Annual Report. The data book profiles noteworthy academic events, trends and outcomes at the state and complex-area level. It includes tables, figures and narrative sections related to demographic, financial and educational performance. Also, comparisons to other states with characteristics similar to Hawaii are provided to illustrate relative progress or status on specific indicators.

Budget and Financial Reports

  • Weighted Student Formula: The Weighted Student Formula (WSF) is a fair and equitable way to distribute funds for school budgets. The amount of money given to a school is based on individual student need, not enrollment. This means that students with more needs will receive more resources. Funding follows students to whichever schools they attend, equalizing opportunities at the student level. The WSF informs the development of each school's Academic Financial Plan, which the community can help craft by joining a School Community Council.
  • Per-Pupil Expenditures: The Department began reporting Per-pupil expenditures (PPE) beginning in 2019 as part of the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). These state-level reports include a breakdown of program spending classified by direct school spending, complex level, state level, and the non-school level portion of spending that is expended on behalf of schools. 
  • Allocation Reports: Links to databases of allocations to Department offices, districts and schools.
  • Appropriation Summary Report: The purpose of the Appropriation Summary is to support Department programs with managing their respective budgets for the current and future fiscal years. To achieve this, the budget appropriation is broken down into levels of detail below the EDN Program ID level, to include the Department of Budget & Finance (B&F) two-letter Org Code, means of financing (MOF), Office, DOE’s 5-digit Program ID, and character of expenditure.
  • Quarterly Reports: Quarterly reports generated each fiscal year for Department expenditures.
  • Annual Financial and Single Audit Report: Th​e Department's annual audit​​ provides an objective third-party examination of the presentation of the Department's financial statements for the most recent fiscal year, coordinated by the State of Hawaii's Office of the Auditor​.
  • State Educational Facilities Improvement (SEFI) Special Fund Report: The fund​ is used solely to plan, design, acquire lands for, and construct public school facilities and to provide equipment and technology infrastructure to improve public schools and other facilities under the jurisdiction of the DOE, except public libraries. In addition, activities of the DOE intended to eliminate the gap between the facility needs of schools and available resources shall be eligible for funding from the special fund.
  • Federal COVID-19 Relief Funds: CARES, GEER, ESSER
Readiness Reports
  • College & Career Readiness Indicators Reports: CCRI reports have been developed through the Hawaii P-20 statewide partnership in conjunction with the Department and the University of Hawaii. This report presents information on how well Hawaii’s graduates are prepared to meet the Vision of a High School Graduate. Indicators selected for this report are based on their impact on improving student readiness for the workforce or postsecondary education.
    • Hawaii Data ​​eXchange Partnership (Hawaii DXP): ​View reports from the cross-agency data arm of Hawaii P-20. 

Performance Reports

  • Strive HI Reports: Statewide and school data from our accountability and performance system are posted to the Strive HI section of this website. ​Annual reports are produced in the fall.
  • School Quality Survey: Teachers, students, parents, administrative office staff, and instructional support staff give their opinions of school quality in this annual survey​. 

Compliance Reports

  • Legislative Reports: The Department annually produces reports on the education-related bills and resolutions passed in the regular session from the previous year in the Hawaii State Legislature. Annual reports additionally requested by the Legislature are also produced.
  • Special Education Performance Report: In accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act: Part B, and Public Law 108-446, the Department makes available to the public its annual Special Education Performance Report that evaluates the State's efforts to implement the requirements and purposes of IDEA Part B and describes how the State will improve such implementation.
  • One Percent Threshold Assurance and Justification Forms: The Hawaii State Department of Education (HIDOE) collects Assurance Forms from all schools and Justification Forms from schools that exceed the 1 percent participation threshold for the Hawaii State Assessment-Alternate (HSA-Alt). This process ensures compliance with 34 CFR 200.6(c)(3)(iv), which mandates that schools justify alternate assessment rates above 1.0 percent. The Justification Form explains why more than 1 percent of students are being assessed with the HSA-Alt, while the Assurance Form confirms that IEP teams are using the State’s criteria to determine eligibility. The assurance and justification forms are available upon request. Please contact to access the HSA-Alt assurance and justification form.

Other Reports

  • Employment Report: An annual summary​ of employment figures and characteristics of newly-hired teachers and classified support services personnel for the school year as well as data from prior years. The Office of Talent Management is focused on increasing the number of highly qualified professionals in Hawaii's public schools. To achieve its goal, it has implemented cyclical and year-round recruitment activities to maintain a viable pool of eligible applicants to fill school vacancies.​
  • Internal Audits: The Internal Audit Office​ provides independent, objective assurance and consulting services to add value and improve the Department’s operations and internal control structures. Its primary responsibilities include reviewing the effectiveness of the internal control structure, identifying opportunities for process and control improvements that would mitigate risk exposures, monitoring compliance with laws, regulations, policies and procedures, investigating allegations of fraudulent and/or unethical behavior, and sharing best practices throughout the Department.
  • Teacher Housing: An annual report to the Department of Human Services and Budget and Finance on the planning, construction, repair, maintenance and operation of teachers' housing.

  • Quarterly Report on School Physical Plan Operations and Maintenance Account and Each School's Repair and Maintenance Needs (​36-36(e), HRS)

  • Quarterly Report on Transfers of Funds and Positions performed between Programs and Agencies (37-74(d)(3), HRS)

  • Discipline and Restraint Reports: An annual report to the Board of Education, legislature and the public.

Report Finder​Search among our database of school-level, Complex Area and state reports dating back several years.

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