Reports show greater college readiness


The annual College and Career Readiness Indicators report point to greater college-going rates, and greater success for students once there.

Positive data trends

The report, released by the Department in tandem with Hawaii P-20 Partnerships for Education and covering students from the Class of 2012, shows a number of positive trends for college readiness among Hawaii's public school kids:

  • The percentage of students taking Advanced Placement exams increased to 24 percent.
  • College enrollment among graduates increased from 53 percent to 54 percent.
  • The percentage of students who enrolled in a University of Hawaii campus in college-level math (24 percent) and college-level English (42 percent) both increased by four percentage points over the class of 2011.
  • The percentage of students requiring remedial classes dropped to 31 percent in English and remained at 36 percent for math.

A few schools made significant, double-digit percentage gains in college-going rates over a two-year period. Explore the data from the College and Career Readiness Indicators by school.

Contact Information

Donalyn Dela Cruz

Phone: 808-586-3232



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