The contest
By winning the Science Bowl, the Maui High School Science Department received $500, and each member of its team receives an expenses-paid trip to the National Science Bowl, held in Washington, D.C., April 25-29. Farrington High School’s Team I also placed fourth, winning $200 for the Governors’ Science Department.
The Sabers were led by retired Maui High science teacher Ed Ginoza, who believes competition and studying for the event give the teenangers self-confidence. Ginoza added that the competition also prepares the students for college and real life, in which they need to do a lot of self-preparation.
Since its inception in 1994, more than 1,900 students representing more than 50 schools have participated in the Hawaii Science Bowl.
This squad also repeated as regional champions of the National Ocean Science Bowl at the University of Hawaii in Feburary, defeating Punahou 81-33 in the final round of competition.