• ............................ Important Alert: Farrington High School campus is closed 12/11 due to active police investigation


Our schools are staffed with top-notch educators who work with all students, from gifted to challenged, to realize their educational and personal goals.



School bells ring, but why?https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/VisionForSuccess/SuccessStories/TeachersAndPrincipals/Pages/school-bell.aspxSchool bells ring, but why?School communities are being asked to "think out of the box" about how to deliver upon five student promises by 2030 as part of the public school system's next 10 years of strategic planning. What do schools need to do to advance equity, excellence and innovation for all, and what current procedures, policies, infrastructure and other elements should be reconsidered? State Office Teacher Bobby Widhalm shares his thoughts about the school bell.string;#08-May-20192019-05-08T10:00:00.0000000Z
Kaua‘i educators team up to advance student voicehttps://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/VisionForSuccess/SuccessStories/TeachersAndPrincipals/Pages/ktf.aspxKaua‘i educators team up to advance student voiceA team of Garden Isle educators is gearing up to collect student voice on how the Hawai‘i DOE informs Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) across its schools. They belong to an innovative collaborative, the Kauai Teacher Fellowship, which aims to bring teacher and student voice into administrative decision-making across the island and, potentially, the state. The data gathering effort will launch March 1.string;#14-Feb-20192019-02-14T10:00:00.0000000Z
Social Emotional Learning: Grooming Peace Ambassadors at Manoa Elementaryhttps://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/VisionForSuccess/SuccessStories/TeachersAndPrincipals/Pages/peace-project.aspxSocial Emotional Learning: Grooming Peace Ambassadors at Manoa ElementaryChelsey Villamin, who is in her seventh year of teaching at Manoa Elementary School, started off exposing students to literature and books that encouraged the young students to reflect on times when they experienced peace.string;#25-Jan-20192019-01-25T10:00:00.0000000Z
How teachers collaborate to boost student success at Hickam Elementaryhttps://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/VisionForSuccess/SuccessStories/TeachersAndPrincipals/Pages/KeithHamanaTC.aspxHow teachers collaborate to boost student success at Hickam ElementaryTake a peek into the school's Learning Team Time, or LTT, with Curriculum Coach Keith Hamana. This is the behind-the-scenes teamwork of educators to ensure all students are getting what they need to become joyful, lifelong learners on a continuous path of growth.string;#19-Nov-20182018-11-19T10:00:00.0000000Z
Seek growth, be patient, keep learning, take care of yourself, ask for help, love your studentshttps://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/VisionForSuccess/SuccessStories/TeachersAndPrincipals/Pages/HSG-Beginning-Teachers.aspxSeek growth, be patient, keep learning, take care of yourself, ask for help, love your studentsWords of advice from our teachers and educational leaders for Hawai‘i's beginning and pre-service teachers as we head toward the end of the first semester.string;#02-Nov-20182018-11-02T10:00:00.0000000Z
Classroom and collaboration advice and tips from Hawai'i's teachershttps://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/VisionForSuccess/SuccessStories/TeachersAndPrincipals/Pages/HSG-17-18.aspxClassroom and collaboration advice and tips from Hawai'i's teachersTeachers are the greatest knowledge resource we have for classroom and student learning strategies. Hawai'i's Hope Street Group teachers pledge to share their professional insights to help guide education policy and support their fellow teachers. Below is a selection of the top posts from HSG teachers in the 2017-18 school year. Pass on the knowledge!string;#20-Aug-20182018-08-20T10:00:00.0000000Z
Virtual Open Classroom 2018https://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/VisionForSuccess/SuccessStories/TeachersAndPrincipals/Pages/Virtual-Open-Classroom-2018.aspxVirtual Open Classroom 2018Check out the dynamic, inviting, innovative learning spaces our educators are designing for students! Teachers shared tips, photos and videos of their classroom designs to Twitter. A selection appears here, or click the hashtag link to see all posts.string;#16-Aug-20182018-08-16T10:00:00.0000000Z
A tribute to U.S. Senator Daniel K Akakahttps://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/VisionForSuccess/SuccessStories/TeachersAndPrincipals/Pages/A-tribute-to-US-Senator-Daniel-K-Akaka.aspxA tribute to U.S. Senator Daniel K AkakaThe Hawaii State Department of Education mourns the passing of U.S. Senator Daniel Kahikina Akaka, a lifelong champion of education. Prior to his political career, Senator Akaka was a teacher and administrator in our public schools. string;#06-Apr-20182018-04-06T10:00:00.0000000Z
‘Yes, let’s do it’ is the mantra at Kea‘au Elementaryhttps://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/VisionForSuccess/SuccessStories/TeachersAndPrincipals/Pages/Keaau-El-mantra.aspx‘Yes, let’s do it’ is the mantra at Kea‘au ElementaryMore than halfway through the first school year of an updated Strategic Plan and a state plan for federal funding under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) law, there’s a lot of discussion about putting more control of education into the hands of teachers, schools and communities. Kea‘au Elementary is testing what that looks like, one idea at a time. string;#26-Feb-20182018-02-26T10:00:00.0000000Z
Leadership mattershttps://www.hawaiipublicschools.org/VisionForSuccess/SuccessStories/TeachersAndPrincipals/Pages/NPM-2017.aspxLeadership mattersThe key to student success is a great school, and the key to a great school is a great principal. This is the motto of National Principals Month, celebrated every October to help shine a light on this crucial leader. Here, we do a deeper dive on the principal’s role with some of our award-winning principals and Hope Street Group teachers to get their insight on what effective leadership of a school looks like. string;#14-Sep-20172017-09-14T10:00:00.0000000Z


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